Page 10 - DMEA Week 04 2023
P. 10

DMEA                                    SUPPLY & PROCESSING                                            DMEA

       Iraqi crude resumes flowing into Jordan

        JORDAN           TRUCKS filled with Iraqi crude resumed cross-  September 2022 following a July agreement
                         ing the border into Jordan this week, following a  between Amman and Baghdad on the resump-
                         month-long hiatus. The resumption follows the  tion, with Iraq completing all of the required
                         latest three-month extension of a bilateral deal  logistical preparations. Former Jordanian Min-
                         originally signed in February 2019, which has  ister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hala
                         been renewed several times since.    Zawati said that crude flows had stopped after
                           This deal provided for Iraq to supply 10,000  prices fell below $20 per barrel.
                         barrels per day (bpd) – covering around 7% of   The renewal comes just a few days after
                         Jordan’s oil demand – trucking crude from the  Amman and Baghdad said that they would soon
                         Baiji refinery to the Jordan Petroleum Refinery  begin implementing the Basra-Aqaba crude oil
                         Co. (JoPetrol) at Zarqa. After lengthy delays, the  pipeline, underpinning continually improving
                         first batch of Iraqi crude was trucked from Baiji  bilateral relations.
                         to Jordan via Kirkuk in September 2019.  Meetings were held during a four-day visit to
                           Following the latest renewal, around 110  Baghdad by Jordanian parliamentary speaker
                         trucks are expected to cross the border every day  Ahmad Al-Safadi, with discussions covering the
                         until the end of March.              long-awaited pipeline, grid interconnection and
                           When the 2019 agreement was announced, it  broader economic collaboration.
                         was reported that Jordan would purchase the oil   Al-Safadi’s Iraqi counterpart, Muhammad
                         at a $16 per barrel discount to Brent in order to  Halbousi, told a press conference: “We discussed
                         cover the transport and deviation in specifica-  bilateral relations and important economic sec-
                         tions with Iraqi goods exported through the port  tors, as we discussed in detail the electrical grid
                         of Aqaba, receiving preferential rates in return.  connection [wire] between Iraq and Jordan.”
                           However, in 2021 Alaa al-Yasiri, general  Meanwhile, “increasing the outlets for selling
                         manager of Iraq’s state oil marketer Somo, told  Iraqi oil is an important issue, as it will increase
                         Iraq News Agency (INA): “The Oil Marketing  Iraq’s imports,” he added.
                         Company does not have differential prices, but   Halbousi praised “Jordan’s positions in sup-
                         rather fixed prices according to the market …  port of Iraq” and said: “We highly appreciate
                         Jordan stipulated that, according to the Cabinet’s  Al-Safadi’s visit to Baghdad and the Jordanian
                         decision, the transportation cost was calculated  support for the Iraqi people.”
                         at $11 from Baiji to Jordan, and this is among the   The project will be divided into two parts: the
                         items of bilateral agreements between the two  first phase includes installing a 56-inch (1,422-
                         countries, and the supreme interest is valued by  mm), 680-km pipeline with a capacity of 2.25mn
                         the country and the government.”     bpd from the Rumaila oilfield to Najaf, built in
                           With security issues in Iraq leading to a five-  three phases.The second package covers the
                         year hiatus from 2014 to 2019, shipments were  installation of a 42-inch (1,066-mm), 973-km
                         severely affected again in 2020 by the pandemic  pipeline from Najaf to the Jordanian border and
                         and the resultant drop in oil price led to several  on to Aqaba with a capacity of 1mn bpd. The lat-
                         pauses in supplies and no crude at all being sent  ter will include a spur carrying 150,000 bpd to
                         to Jordan in August 2020. Cargoes resumed in  the JoPetrol plant and covering its full capacity.™

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