Page 14 - DMEA Week 04 2023
P. 14

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

                                                                                for delivery of the first 5,000 bbls as part
                                                                                of the 30,000 bbl sale agreement with the
                                                                                Edo Refinery with payment expected in
                                                                                approximately three weeks.
                                                                                  “With continued production and delivery
                                                                                of crude oil it is expected that regular billing
                                                                                and receipts of sales proceeds will occur,’’
                                                                                Decklar said.
                                                                                  According to Decklar, trucking of oil from
                                                                                the Oza Field is ongoing to the Edo refinery
                                                                                facility in Edo State, Nigeria.
                                                                                  “Ten trucks are currently in operation and
       operations slated to start in March 2023.  The facility with its feedstock can produce   are capable of delivering approximately 2,500
         Tunde Adelakun, a senior energy lawyer   50 per cent of diesel (500,000 litres), 25   bbls every four days. Additional trucks are
       with Aflex Energy Nigeria, accused the   percent of naphtha (300,000 litres) and 20 per   expected to be contracted over the next few
       government of paying lip service to activities   cent of Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) (200,000)   weeks to increase delivery capacity,” Decklar
       of modular refineries.              litres.                              said.
         “Government’s rhetoric about modular   The company got its first supply of   THIS DAY
       refineries is beginning to sound cliche. There   10,000 barrels of crude feedstock from
       is no structural framework for effective crude   Decklar Resources Inc. and its co-venturer,   Dangote refinery to
       oil supply for modular refineries; everyone is   Millennium Oil & Gas Company Limited,
       talking about Dangote Refinery,” Adelakun   which operates the Oza Oil Field.  commission before end of
       said. “It’s difficult to attract investments   The refinery was developed by Edo
       for expansion when operators of modular   Refinery and Petrochemical Company   May
       refineries wait endlessly for regulatory   Limited (ERPC) with support from the state
       attention.”                         government through a Memorandum of   Africa’s richest man Aliko Dangote’s Dangote
         Data sourced from Africa Oil+Gas Report,   Understanding (MoU).        Industries Limited has announced that
       an energy intelligence publication, showed   The company, in a statement yesterday,   Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari will
       the newly constructed 10,000bpd capacity   stated that it would complete the phase II   officially unveil its $19-billion petrochemical
       Omsa Pillar Astex Company Refinery, located   of the project in March, 2023, which adds   complex, the Dangote Oil Refinery, before the
       in Kwale, in Nigeria’s Delta State, has been   12,000bpd capacity to cap production at   end of his term in May 2023.
       unable to get sufficient crude oil to refine   21,000bpd.                  The announcement comes nearly a week
       as the company doesn’t operate its own oil   Edo Modular Refinery is the first of   after multiple media outlets reported on the
       producing field.                    two refinery projects in the state, alongside   project’s impending launch by Buhari during
         “The refinery is sitting idle three months   the Duport Refinery, which is operated by   his visit to Lagos.
       after the regulator signed off on its licence to   Duport Midstream Company Limited. The   The group highlighted that the
       operate,” the report said.          two modular refineries were attracted into   petrochemical complex was not included
         Documents sighted by the publication   the state on the back of nuanced reforms   in the president’s list of projects set to be
       showed the facility has passed all reliability   by the Governor Godwin Obaseki-led   commissioned, which includes a $450-million
       tests and won the approval of the Nigeria   administration to boost investment inflow   lubricant plant linked to prominent
       Midstream and Downstream Petroleum   and drive industrialisation in the state.  businessman Sayyu Dantata, Dangote’s cousin,
       Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA)          The delivery of 10,000 barrels of crude   the Lekki Deep Sea Port, a 32-metric-tonne
       after a refinery and an effective refinery   from Decklar and Millenium to Edo Refinery   Lagos Rice Mill in Imota, and the Blue Line
       commissioning exercise.             was conducted under the terms of the sales   Rail (Phase 1), among others.
         “It’s difficult to do refinery business   agreement of which an invoice has been   It also reconfirmed that the commissioning
       with the way the regulators are currently   issued and payment received.  of the refinery will take place prior to Buhari’s
       operating,” Adelakun said.             The initial agreement provided for   departure from office and the public will be
         Last September, the promoters of modular   deliveries totaling 10,000 bbls, and a new   informed and invited to witness this historic
       refineries under the aegis of Oil Refiners   agreement is being negotiated for the delivery   event.
       Association of Nigeria (CORAN) met with   of an additional 30,000 bbls.    The Dangote Oil Refinery will boast
       chiefs of the NMDPRA to vent their anger   According to the statement, the parties are   an impressive capacity of 540,000 barrels
       and frustration.                    also in discussions to potentially agree upon a   of Nigerian oil per day in its first phase of
       BUSINESSDAY                         monthly minimum quantity of barrels of Oza   operation, with plans to expand to 650,000
                                           Oil Field crude to be sold to the refinery going   barrels per day in the future.
       Edo refinery begins                 forward.                             metric tonnes of jet fuel per day, 65 million
                                                                                  The complex will also produce 4 million
                                              “Decklar and Millenium have received
       production                          payment on the first invoice for delivered   liters of premium motor spirits (petrol), 15
                                           crude under the 10,000 bbls sale agreement
                                                                                million liters of diesel, and 3 billion standard
       The Edo State government-backed Edo   with Edo refinery,” Decklar, a Canadian   cubic feet of gas.
       Modular Refinery has begun production at its   producer of Nigerian marginal oil fields was   GHANAWEB
       6,000bpd plant in Ologbo, Ikpoba Okha Local   quoted to have said.
       Government Area.                       It noted it had also issued an invoice

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