Page 15 - DMEA Week 04 2023
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       FUELS                               resin (SPVC) plant in March, according to   yarn, polyester-based polymers, specialty
                                           the company’s managing director, as cited by   polymers and intermediates.
       Puma expands diesel                 NIPNA.                               stake in Sasa to Erdemoglu Holding, which
                                                                                  In 2015, Sabanci Holding divested its
                                              Iran currently has a relatively small-sized
       storage capacity in                 PVC production capacity, found across its   increased its stake in the company to 85%.
                                           southern regions, but it has never been fully
       Zimbabwe                            utilised and product is mainly sold on the
                                           domestic market.
       Swiss oil company Puma Energy (Puma)   “The new plant, scheduled to become   PIPELINES
       has built a 1mn-litre diesel storage facility in   operational in 2024, will help add 300,000
       Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second-largest city, to   tonnes of PVC to Iran’s current production   Egypt targets pipeline
       serve the southwestern parts of the country.  capacity of 700,000 tonnes per year,” the
         Company managing director Daniel   managing director, Mohammad Reza Karimi,   upgrade to become regional
       Duffau told state-owned daily The Herald that   noted.
       with the new complex, the target market will   “The factory’s domestic sales of SPVC and   hub
       enjoy more reliable fuel supplies.  EPVC [PVC emulsions] increased by 21%
         “Supply to the facility is through rail and   and 10%, respectively, during the first nine   Egypt’s national project to upgrade and
       can be replenished in 24 hours hence we will   months of the current Iranian year [March   expand the natural gas pipeline network has
       not run dry in the southern region,” the daily   21-December 21],” he added.  on the one hand increased the number of
       cited him saying on January 23.        Arvand’s net profit in 2023 will grow   households being supplied with natural gas,
         Zimbabwe has a long history of fuel   by 15% y/y, if company forecasting proves   especially in previously underserved Upper
       shortages, but supplies have been broadly   correct.                     Egypt, and on the other hand contributed
       stabilising since 2018.             BNE                                  to reducing annual butane gas consumption
         Duffau said the retailer is setting up seven                           from 4.2mn tonnes to 3.6mn tonnes,
       more filling stations in southern Zimbabwe to   Turkey’s Sasa gets licence   Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla reportedly
       the 79 it already runs nationwide, including at                          announced at a news conference.
       four local airports.                for propylene plant                    The minister highlighted the importance
         Puma, owned by Singapore-headquartered                                 of upgrading and developing the nation’s
       global commodity giant Trafigura, entered   Sasa has announced a licensing agreement   petroleum pipelines as well as raising their
       Zimbabwe in November 2013 after acquiring   central to its investment project for   efficiency as one of the important means to
       60% of Redan Petroleum.             the construction of a $1.5bn propylene   transport crude oil and petroleum products
       BNE                                 production (PDH) plant in the Yumurtalik   throughout the country in support of
                                           district of Turkey’s Adana province.  achieving Egypt’s target to be a regional hub
                                              Licensing, technical service and warranty   for trading oil and gas.
       PETROCHEMICALS                      agreements have been signed by Sasa and   El Molla stressed the importance of
                                           Honeywell UOP, the company said in a filing   continuing to develop all oil and gas
       Iran’s annual PVC output            with Borsa Istanbul.                 production fields to maximise output,
                                              The Yumurtailik plant with a capacity of
                                                                                raise safety and industrial security,
       set to reach 1mn tonnes             1mn tonnes/year is to be completed in the first  protect the environment, keep pace with
                                                                                technological development and expand digital
                                           half of 2026 if all goes to plan.
       Arvand, an Iranian petrochemical company   The facility is expected to contribute some   transformation projects across all petroleum
       located in Mahshahr, Khuzestan Province,   $1.2bn to Sasa’s turnover.    activities.
       is expected to start construction work on a   Sasa is one of the world’s leading   BNE
       300,000-tonne/year polyvinyl chloride slurry   manufacturers of polyester, fibre, filament

       Week 04   25•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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