Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 28 2022
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       What if Nord Stream 1 doesn’t come back


       Europe can handle Nord Stream 1's closure, but not a full cut-off in Russian gas


        RUSSIA           THE Nord Stream 1 pipeline closed down on   If Nord Stream 1 remains closed, Russia’s
                         July 11 for routine maintenance that was planned  transport capacity would be sufficient to main-
                         well in advance, and which takes place every  tain supply at the current low rate. It can send
       WHAT:             summer. While under normal circumstances  up to 33 bcm per year of gas to Europe via the
       There are fears Russia   the 10-day closure would be no cause for alarm,  Yamal-Europe pipeline that runs through Bela-
       could keep its Nord   European officials have raised the possibility that  rus and Poland to Germany, even though this
       Stream 1 pipeline offline   Moscow may keep the 55bn cubic metre per year  link has mostly been flowing in reverse since the
       for longer than the 10-  pipeline offline for longer, in order to further  end of last year, because of curtailments in Rus-
       day maintenance period.  destabilise European energy markets.  sian gas supply.
                           The EU consumed 412 bcm of natural gas in   The TurkStream under the Black Sea can
       WHY:              2021, and Russia covered around 155 bcm of this  carry an additional 31.5 bcm per year, with the
       Russia has already   demand, giving it a market share of just under  pipeline once again fully operational following
       curtailed gas supply   40%. However, due to Russia cutting supply off   maintenance last month. However, one of the
       to Europe significantly   to a number of buyers earlier this year for fail-  pipeline’s 15.75 bcm per year pipes is dedicated
       since the war began,   ing to comply with its rubles-for-gas decree, and  to supplying the Turkish market.
       in moves slammed as   a curtailment in supply via Nord Stream 1 last   Then there is Ukraine’s gas transit system, but
       politically-motivated.  month, June shipments slumped to a record low  how much Russian gas it is capable of sending
                         of 4.7 bcm, or 56.4 bcm on an annual basis. In  depends on who you ask. In May, Ukrainian gas
       WHAT NEXT:        comparison, deliveries in June last year totalled  grid operator GTSOU suspended the flow of
       There is enough transit   12 bcm.                      gas through its Sokranivka transit point, which
       capacity along other   The good news is that despite this reduction  usually accounts for nearly a third of Russian gas
       routes for Russia to   in supply, Europe has so far managed to con-  deliveries to Europe via Ukraine. But the oper-
       divert flow. But Europe   tinue increasing the amount of gas it has storage,  ator said that these flows could be diverted to
       would have no way of   albeit at a slower rate than previously envisaged.  the Sudzha interconnection point further west.
       finding replacement   Its underground storage facilities were filled to  Gazprom said at the time that it would be “tech-
       volumes in the event that   61.6% capacity as of June 9, which is close to the  nologically impossible” to move all the volumes
       Moscow cuts off supply   average utilisation rate for this time of year over  to the other route, however.
       completely.       the past decade.                       GTSOU’s CEO Sergiy Makogon told Reuters

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