Page 20 - NorthAmOil Week 39
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

         Mr. McKinney, an industry veteran, began   operational restructuring initiatives, including   power generation market amidst the rapidly
       his career in 1983 with Anadarko Petroleum.   to ensure the fleet is in full compliance with   changing energy landscape. As a leader in
       Over a 23 year period with Anadarko, Mr.   all operating regulations, and otherwise   innovative infrastructure solutions, Black &
       McKinney held various positions including   emerge as a stronger enterprise positioned for   Veatch announces it has joined the Center for
       his last title as vice president of reservoir   long-term success. As part of its operational   Hydrogen Safety (CHS), a global nonprofit
       engineering, Anadarko Canada. He also spent   restructuring, the company will fill several key   that supports and promotes the safe handling
       six years with Apache, serving as manager,   open executive management positions. The   and use of hydrogen across industrial and
       corporate reservoir engineering and region   Company intends to pay employees, suppliers,   consumer applications.
       vice president, Gulf Coast Onshore, where he   and other trade vendors in full in the ordinary   Efforts to decarbonise the power sector
       was responsible for the development and all   course.                    while maintaining a reliable, balanced
       operational aspects of the Gulf Coast region   Bouchard has appointed Mark Berger   generation mix remains a goal of the industry.
       for Apache. Mr. McKinney’s most recent role   of Portage Point Partners to serve as chief   Initial hydrogen turbine projects in Europe
       was president, CEO and director of SandRidge  restructuring officer during the Chapter 11   have demonstrated the viability of the
       Energy. He accepted the post in January   process.                       technology, drawing acclaim for its promise to
       2019 and continued there 11 months before   Throughout this process, Bouchard   provide reliable baseload power.
       resigning in December 2019.         aims to continue to serve its customers and   “Hydrogen is a rising star in the changing
       RING ENERGY, September 30, 2020     trade partners and ensure the safety of its   energy landscape, particularly when it comes
                                           employees and fleet operations. The company   to pursuing robust decarbonisation through
       Bouchard Transportation to          will file customary first day motions that,   renewables,” said Mario Azar, president
                                           once approved by the Bankruptcy Court, will
                                                                                of Black & Veatch’s power business. “Fully
       restructure through Chapter         allow the company to smoothly transition its   integrating hydrogen into the energy mix will
                                           business into Chapter 11.
                                                                                be a complicated endeavour. This will require
       11 proceeding                       BOUCHARD TRANSPORTATION, September 28,   strong collaboration between engineering
                                                                                leaders such as Black & Veatch, technology
       Bouchard Transportation (privately held),                                integrators, investors, activists and regulators,
       the nation’s largest independently-owned                                 along with the support of high-impact safety
       ocean-going petroleum barge company,   ENERGY TRANSITION                 organisations such as CHS.”
       today announced that it and certain of its                                 With help from advances in battery
       subsidiaries have filed voluntary petitions to   Black & Veatch Joins Center   storage, hydrogen is widely expected to make
       restructure under Chapter 11 of the United                               a star turn over the next decade, particularly
       States Bankruptcy Code in the United States   for Hydrogen Safety to help   as “grey hydrogen” – derived from fossil fuels
       Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District                               such as oil, natural gas and coal – slowly
       of Texas.                           accelerate adoption of low-          gives way to “green hydrogen” produced with
         Bouchard intends to fund the Chapter 11                                renewable energy.
       process with debtor-in-possession financing,   carbon energy source      BLACK & VEATCH, September 30, 2020
       which will provide the company with the
       necessary liquidity to maintain normal   Hydrogen applications are emerging as a low-
       operations while it undertakes certain key   carbon breakthrough that will transform the

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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