Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 39
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Devon to merge

       with WPX in $2.6bn

       all-stock deal

        US               SHALE producer Devon Energy has struck a
                         deal to merge with rival WPX Energy in an all-
                         stock transaction worth $2.56bn. In a joint Sep-
                         tember 28 statement, the companies described
                         the deal as a “merger of equals” that will create a
                         combined company with an enterprise value of
                         around $12bn.
                           Devon’s existing shareholders will own 57%
                         of the combined company, and WPX sharehold-
                         ers will receive a 0.5165 share of Devon stock for
                         each WPX share.
                           According to the companies’ statement, the
                         merger will create a “leading unconventional oil
                         producer in the US, with an asset base under-
                         pinned by a premium acreage position in the
                         economic core of the Delaware Basin”. The
                         combined company, which will be called Devon
                         Energy after WPX has been folded into it, will
                         have oil production of 277,000 barrels per day
                         (bpd) and a multi-basin portfolio. In the Del-
                         aware, which is a sub-basin of the prolific Per-
                         mian Basin, the company will own 400,000 net
                         acres (1,619 square km), which will account for
                         around 60% of its total output. The company’s
                         other areas of operation will be in the Anadarko,  cycle will happen, so we’re building a combined
                         Williston and Powder River basins, as well as the  company that has the capabilities to withstand
                         Eagle Ford shale play.               all the headwinds but can really prosper in better
                           The companies also said that cost savings  times,” WPX’s CEO, Rick Muncrief, was quoted
                         from initiatives underway in the second half of  by Reuters as saying this week.
                         2020 and synergies resulting from the merger   And early responses to the merger suggest
                         were expected to boost cash flow by around  that Devon’s combination with WPX could offer
           Devon’s       $575mn per year by the end of 2021. Savings are  a roadmap for other shale producers.
                         anticipated to come from operational efficien-
                                                                “This deal represents the form of shale com-
         combination     cies, general and administrative expenses and  pany consolidation that many across the indus-
        with WPX could   reduced financing expenses. The companies  try have been looking for,” an Enverus mergers
                         estimated the net present value (NPV) of these  and acquisitions analyst, Andrew Dittmar, was
        offer a roadmap   cost synergies at more than $2bn worth of value  quoted in a separate Reuters article as saying. He
                                                              cited the complementary acreage in the Permian
                         over the next five years.
                           The transaction comes as shale drillers bat-
                                                              Basin – the US’ leading shale region – as well as
        for other shale   tle for survival, with the oil price volatility this  the all-stock swap and the little-to-no premium
          producers.     year compounding ongoing challenges such as  paid.
                         dwindling sources of capital and pressure from   “A clear factor in each company’s rationale
                         investors to yield higher returns. And some  is to increase size and maintain market rele-
                         forecasters are now raising the possibility of oil  vance,” Enverus said separately in a note. “The
                         demand peaking in the coming years, making  deal caters to investors’ desire to see a more effi-
                         the future of the shale and broader oil industries  cient, consolidated shale sector. We see Cimarex
                         all the more uncertain.              (XEC) and Parsley (PE) as the top two Permian
                           Against this backdrop, producers are doing  [small and mid]-cap takeout candidates.”
                         what they can to ensure they have a future, and   Some companies in the struggling shale
                         are well-positioned to benefit from any potential  industry will present better acquisition tar-
                         industry upturn that may yet occur, while also  gets than others, but the Devon-WPX merger,
                         being able to survive new downturns.  which is due to close in the first quarter of
                           “This cycle was driven by [coronavirus]  2021, does bolster expectations that more such
                         COVID-19, but you never know when the next  deals could follow.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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