Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 39
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Russian LNG potentially poised

       to take market share in Europe

       US efforts to sell more LNG to Europe stand to be undermined by expanding

       production of the super-chilled fuel in Russia, which could be cheaper for

       European countries to import

        GLOBAL           THE US is seeking to sell more LNG, including  He cited European Commission data on LNG
                         to Europe. However, efforts to sell to Europe  flows to the EU.
       WHAT:             appear likely to be undermined by the growth   According to the Commission’s gas market
       Rising Russian LNG   of Russian LNG supplies – even as certain Euro-  report for the first quarter of 2020 – the lat-
       production could   pean countries continue working to reduce their  est quarter for which data are available – LNG
       undermine US efforts to   dependence on Russian gas.   imports into the bloc have continued to rise,
       sell more LNG to Europe.  The global LNG market continues to strug-  going up by 26% year on year to 25bn cubic
                         gle with oversupply,  with the coronavirus  metres. This was equivalent to 28% of gas
       WHY:              (COVID-19) pandemic adding to the uncer-  imports from outside the EU – the highest pro-
       Russian LNG may be   tainty surrounding shorter-term consumption  portion ever.
       more favourably priced   expectations. Even in the longer term, however,   It is worth noting that it was towards the
       than cargoes from the US   the widespread availability of LNG means that  end of the first quarter that European countries
       Gulf Coast.       cost-competitiveness will be crucial for export-  started locking down in response to COVID-19,
                         ers of the super-chilled fuel. And in Europe’s  so demand and imports can be expected to dip in
       WHAT NEXT:        case, Russian LNG could prove more cost-com-  the subsequent quarter. Nonetheless, the overall
       Qatar is also stepping   petitive than US LNG.         trend is an upward one.
       up competition in the   If this plays out, it will raise questions over   In the first quarter, the US was the leading
       LNG market with an   whether US opposition to the completion of the  source of LNG imports into the EU, at 30% of the
       aggressive pricing   Nord Stream 2 pipeline was for nothing.  total. This was followed by Russia with 22% and
       stance.                                                Qatar with 15%. This marked a contrast to most
                         Competition                          of 2019, when imports from Russia exceeded
                         The issue was highlighted in a series of Septem-  those from the US, the EC noted.
                         ber 27 tweets by Russian news service RBC’s eco-  Even as LNG imports rose across the bloc
                         nomics editor, Ivan Tkachev.         – led by Spain, France and Belgium – the EU’s
                           “There’s narrative that US wants to kill Nord  import bill fell. In the first quarter it came to
                         Stream 2 [because] it wants to sell more LNG to  €3.3bn ($3.9bn), compared with €4.8bn ($5.6bn)
                         Germany/Europe,” Tkachev wrote, before going  in the same quarter of 2019, reflecting the decline
                         on to examine current European LNG demand  in LNG prices.
                         dynamics and how they are expected to evolve.   While Russian pipeline gas supplies had

                                                                                                  In the first quarter, the
                                                                                                  US was the leading
                                                                                                  source of LNG imports
                                                                                                  into the EU, at 30% of
                                                                                                  the total.

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