Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 39
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         as saying the project would reduce Alaska’s costs  after it has been brought into service.
                         of goods and services.
                                                              What next?
                         Oil transport route                  Against this backdrop of an increasingly difficult
                         In terms of oil in particular, Treadwell has esti-  operating environment for oil pipelines, it is not
                         mated that the line could carry up to 2mn bar-  surprising that alternatives such as rail routes
                         rels per day (bpd) from Alberta. From Alaska,  are being considered more seriously. However,
                         the crude could be shipped on to Asia, and A2A  Canadian crude-by-rail exports are currently at
                         estimates that taking the route through Alaska  an eight-year low, having fallen to around 39,000
                         could reduce overall transport times to Asia by  bpd in July from a previous eight-year low of
                         2-4 days.                            42,820 bpd in June, while pipeline capacity that
                           However, taking the Alaska route could also  was previously considered limited is accom-
                         entail higher transportation costs. If oil prices  modating oil sands crude volumes more easily.
                         do not rise significantly by the time the railway  The trajectory of takeaway capacity needs in the
                         line is complete, shippers may not favour a more  coming years remains highly uncertain.
                         costly option, seeking instead to avoid cutting   Complicating matters further is the fact
                         into margins as much as possible.    that China has announced a target of net zero
                           But additional export routes may nonethe-  emissions by 2060, suggesting that it will seek
                         less be necessary after the immense difficulties  to transition away from dependence on fossil
                         Canadian pipeline operators have run into while  fuels. If China is serious about this – and espe- Canadian crude-
                         trying to bring new projects online linking the  cially if more Asian countries follow suit – Asian
                         oil sands to export markets. The Energy East  demand for Canadian oil in the coming years will   by-rail exports
                         and Northern Gateway pipeline proposals have  be significantly lower than previously expected.  are currently at
                         been scrapped outright, and while construction   “At  a  time  when  California  is  banning
                         is now underway on the Trans Mountain expan-  gas-powered cars and China is pledging to tran-  an eight-year low,
                         sion, this is not now anticipated to be completed  sition off fossil fuels, it’s hard to imagine a bigger
                         until the end of 2022.               waste of money than building a rail line to move  having fallen to
                           Indeed, given how tenacious pipeline oppo-  oil trains over the melting permafrost,” a Green-
                         nents have been in recent years, further delays  peace Canada senior energy strategist, Keith   around 39,000
                         to the Trans Mountain expansion schedule  Stewart, was quoted by Reuters as saying.  bpd in July.
                         cannot be ruled out. Meanwhile, two pipelines   Alberta is looking at using blue hydrogen –
                         that would carry Alberta crude to the US – the  produced from natural gas in conjunction with
                         Line 3 replacement and the Keystone XL pro-  carbon capture and storage (CCS) – to lower
                         jects – remain held up by regulatory and legal  emissions from its oil sands. If this succeeds,
                         processes. It is uncertain when the issues hold-  it may yet allow production of the resource to
                         ing these projects back from proceeding will  expand, and additional takeaway capacity would
                         be resolved. And a separate case involving the  still be required. For now, however, it seems
                         Dakota Access pipeline threatens to set a prec-  more likely that the railway line – assuming it is
                         edent of permits for existing pipelines being  built – will primarily be used to transport other
                         overturned, which would mean that no pipeline  goods, only carrying oil as a last resort when
                         project is entirely safe from being blocked even  other options are restricted.™

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