Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 39
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The first quarter saw a
                                                                                                  scramble for available
                                                                                                  storage in Europe, and
                                                                                                  some LNG cargoes
                                                                                                  were also redirected
                                                                                                  from China.

                         fallen compared with a decade ago, they still  more competitive than [the] US’, then Europe
                         remained the single largest source of EU gas  will buy more Russian LNG.”
                         imports, at 40% of the total. Combined Russian   This scenario puts LNG producers under
                         pipeline and LNG volumes accounted for 46%  more pressure than ever to lower the capital
                         of extra-EU gas imports, which the Commis-  costs of new projects in order to ensure maxi-
                         sion said signalled the country’s increasing role  mum competitiveness. Indeed, Novatek states
                         in Europe’s LNG supply.              on its website that the design of the Arctic LNG
                           The Commission’s report also noted an  2 project, which is currently under construction,
                         “intensive competition” between the US and  as well as the use of domestic technology and
                         Russia for the EU LNG market. However, the  materials, “will allow to considerably decrease
                         first quarter saw a scramble for available stor-  the capex per tonne of LNG produced under this
                         age in Europe, and some LNG cargoes were  project”. The company adds that this will “ensure
                         also redirected from China as the Asian country  a low-cost structure of products and maximum
                         introduced lockdown measures, so there were  competitiveness across the LNG markets”.
                         some out-of-the-ordinary factors in play.  Thus, even if Nord Stream 2 is abandoned
                                                              – which remains a possibility despite Germa-
                         What next?                           ny’s ongoing support for the completion of the
                         Tkachev pointed out that while the EC sees Rus-  project – this does not guarantee that the US  The US could also
                         sia as complementing its pipeline business with  will be able to displace Russian gas imports to
                         LNG exports, this actually points to emerging  the EU.                    find itself losing
                         competition between state-owned Gazprom and   “Whether Nord Stream 2 is commissioned   market share to
                         LNG producer Novatek. Europe receives most  or not,” wrote Tkachev, “Germany/Europe’s
                         of its Russian LNG shipments from Novatek’s  LNG purchases will be conditional purely upon   Qatar, which is
                         Yamal LNG terminal in Sabetta, Northern  pricing. It may be Russian LNG, not necessarily
                         Russia.                              American, even if NS2 fails.”         undergoing its
                           Novatek is adding new liquefaction capacity,   The US could also find itself losing market
                         so its LNG export volumes are anticipated to  share to Qatar, which is undergoing its own   own expansion
                         grow further. This week, the company said it was  expansion of liquefaction capacity and is pursu-  of liquefaction
                         on track to produce 57-70mn tonnes per year  ing a strategy of lowering LNG prices in long-
                         (tpy) of LNG by 2030, roughly triple what it is  term contracts in an effort to capture more of the   capacity.
                         producing currently, despite any setbacks caused  market.
                         by the pandemic this year. Novatek is aiming to   Qatar’s tactics threaten new projects globally
                         raise its share of the global LNG market to 15%  that are still trying to get off the ground, but also
                         by 2025 from less than 10% currently.  have the potential to disrupt current LNG trends
                           This has implications for the balance of Euro-  and patterns as the Middle Eastern country
                         pean LNG imports.                    brings four new liquefaction trains online.
                           “I assume Europe is going to buy more LNG   For the US, these rising supplies from both
                         not because of geopolitics, but depending on  Qatar and Russia make growing European mar-
                         pricing,” Tkachev wrote. “If Russian LNG is  ket share increasingly challenging.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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