Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 39
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         An electrolyser made by UK-based ITM Power.                 Image: ITM Power

                         Counter point                        Europe at the forefront
                         Australia’s leading gas industry bodies released  Europe is at the forefront of hydrogen develop-
                         a joint report on September 25 that highlighted  ment. The European Commission published its
                         the economic and climate benefits of using  long-awaited strategy for hydrogen in July, in
                         hydrogen within the existing natural gas grid.  which it supports the fuel as a means of decar-
                           The major conclusion of the report, “Gas  bonising economic areas which renewables
                         Vision 2050: Delivering a Clean Energy Future”,  alone cannot reach.
                         is that net-zero emissions can be reached with   The strategy’s priority is the large-scale
                         hydrogen at half the cost of full electrification.  deployment of carbon-free green hydrogen, pro-
                           Energy Networks Australia’s acting CEO,  duced from water using renewable power. But it
                         Tamatha Smith, said: “Policy settings aimed  also accepts that in the short to medium term,
                         at reducing emissions should recognise that  some gas-based hydrogen will be needed as long
                         continuing to use gas infrastructure is the low-  as it is decarbonised using CCS. This so-called
                         est-cost option to reach net-zero emissions from  blue hydrogen will help establish a sufficient
                         the energy sector by 2050.”          market for the fuel, ready for when green hydro-
                           Australian Petroleum Production and Explo-  gen becomes cheap enough to compete.
                         ration Association (APPEA) CEO Andrew   Green hydrogen is produced at electrolysers.
                         McConville said: “The report highlights the  The EC aims to have at least 6 GW of hydrogen
                         vital role of natural gas in emissions reduction  electrolyser capacity up and running by 2024,
                         through fuel switching from more emissions-in-  capable of producing 1mn tonnes per year (tpy)
                         tensive fuels to gas. Gas is also one of Australia’s  of the fuel. It wants to install a further 40 GW by
                         most important exports, contributing AUD47bn  2030. The market is to be developed using both
                         [$33.04bn] to our economy in 2019-20.”  demand- and supply-side subsidies and other
                           Canberra released its National Hydrogen  kinds of support.
                         Strategy in November 2019, making clear its   There has been a mixed response to the
                         goals around developing a leading hydrogen  EC’s strategy from the gas industry. Some have
                         industry. Since then the government has taken  praised the EU executive for allowing some
                         several important steps forward.     room for blue hydrogen. However, others have
                           Australia agreed in early September to con-  said a more level playing field between blue and
                         duct a joint study with Germany on the devel-  green hydrogen is needed to ensure that the best
                         opment of a hydrogen supply chain between the  technologies are chosen.
                         two countries. Australian Trade Minister Simon   Several national governments in Europe
                         Birmingham described the agreement at the  have also announced hydrogen strategies. Some
                         time as “critical” to developing “Australia’s future  like Germany and Portugal have adopted a zero
                         as a powerhouse in clean energy exports”.  policy on blue hydrogen, denying any of the
                           The agreement follows a similar deal signed at  required incentives needed to develop it. Others
                         the start of the year with Japan, and another with  like Norway are in favour of any kind of hydro-
                         South Korea in November 2019.        gen as long as it is low-carbon.
                           Australia, which last year took the global top   Generally, hydrogen is seen as most feasible
                         spot in terms on LNG exports, needs to future-  in countries with extensive gas grids that can
                         proof its gas industry amid an increasing push by  be repurposed for its transport, such as Ger-
                         the world’s biggest importers to embrace alter-  many, Italy and the Netherlands. Germany is
                         native fuels.                        striving to build 5 GW of hydrogen electro-
                                                              lyser capacity by 2030 and double this amount
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   by 2040. It not only wants to create a market
                         Asia’s oil and gas sector, then please click here for   for the fuel but also become a leading supplier
                         NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor.         of hydrogen technologies.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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