Page 12 - MEOG Week 13 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                           on Wednesday that the exposure to Russia   million, including a 2020 annual dividend of
                                           of its clients is less than 0.01% following a   $25 million.
       BlackRock on hunt for Gulf          markdown in the value of those assets. read   gross production of 44,000 to 50,000 barrels of
                                                                                  For 2022, the company expects an average
       infrastructure deals                quickly to suspend the purchase of any   oil per day, up from 43,440 in 2021. So far, on
                                             “Following the invasion, BlackRock moved
                                                                                average the gross production stood at 45,500,
       BlackRock Inc, the world’s biggest money   Russian securities. BlackRock is monitoring   the company explained.
       manager, is seeking more infrastructure deals   the direct and indirect impacts of the crisis   “With a 19% increase in gross average
       in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region and is   and working with our clients to support them   production to 43,440 barrels of oil per day,
       also looking to invest in private companies in   as they take appropriate investment action,”   our leverage to the recovery in oil prices and
       the region, an executive said.      Cohen said.                          continued cost and capital discipline, we
         The U.S. group, which manages more than   He said the company is also looking at   generated substantial revenue and free cash
       $10 trillion in assets, recently led a consortium  expanding its team in Saudi Arabia and the   flow,” said Chief Executive Officer Jon Harris.
       purchase of a $15.5 billion stake in Saudi   United Arab Emirates. It currently has 44   The firm is targeting a gross operating
       Aramco’s gas pipelines company, having   employees in the UAE and 15 in Saudi Arabia,   expenses guidance of $2.9 to $3.3 per barrel,
       taken a stake in Abu Dhabi energy company   BlackRock says.              up from $2.7 in 2021.
       ADNOC’s pipeline assets a couple of years   BlackRock has launched two Saudi Arabia-  Gulf Keystone Petroleum shares were 7.7%
       earlier.                            focused exchange-traded funds and recently   higher at 247.10 pence each in London on
         “We’re looking at many of those types   advised the kingdom to launch a national   Wednesday morning.
       of opportunities,” Stephen Cohen, head of   infrastructure fund.         ALLIANCE NEWS
       BlackRock’s Europe, Middle East and Africa   REUTERS
       division, told Reuters.
         “We’re looking at a number of things on   GKP swings to annual profit   OIL
       the private market side across the country,”
       he said, citing unlisted growth companies in   as oil prices recover     Saudi may raise May crude
       Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the region.
         Cohen said BlackRock is also looking   Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd on Wednesday   prices to Asia
       across the region for infrastructure   said it swung to profit in 2021, profiting from
       investments and what he called “transition   an increase in production and a recovery in   Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia is expected
       finance” to fund long-term sustainable energy   oil prices.              to raise crude prices to Asia in May to new
       projects that help to reduce carbon emissions.  For 2021, it reported a pretax profit of   highs, tracking strong gains in Middle East
         Gulf oil producers are considering sales   $163.7 million, swinging from a loss of $47.0   benchmarks after Western sanctions on Russia
       of stakes in energy assets and raising cash   million the year before. Revenue almost   disrupted global supplies, traders said.
       through long-term leases, capitalising on a   tripled to $301.4 million from $108.4 million   The official selling price (OSP) for flagship
       rebound in crude oil prices to attract foreign   in 2020, the Bermuda-based oil and gas   Arab Light crude in May could rise by $5 a
       investors                           company operating in Iraq said.      barrel on average to reach nearly $10 a barrel
         When asked about the impact of the   The company said average realised oil   above Oman/Dubai quotes, the grade’s highest
       Russia-Ukraine conflict, he said Europe’s   prices surged to $49.7 a barrel in 2021 from   premium ever, a Reuters survey of seven
       move to diversify its energy sources “naturally   $20.9 a barrel in 2020.  refining sources showed.
       plays” to the strength of the Gulf region.  For 2022, the company is so far proposing   Middle East spot crude premiums for
         Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine,   $90 million in dividends. This includes an   May-loading cargoes hit records this month
       the exposure to Russia in its clients’ portfolios   interim dividend of $65 million on May 13   after buyers shunned oil from Russia, the
       was less than 0.2% of BlackRock’s assets under   and an ordinary annual dividend of $25   world’s top exporter of crude and oil products
       management, Cohen said.             million to be paid on June 24.       combined, for fear of European and U.S.
         A BlackRock spokesman said in an email   In total, 2021 dividends paid stood at $100   sanctions over the Ukraine conflict. read more

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