Page 13 - MEOG Week 13 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

         Refiners’ margins for middle distillates also   Owji said that exports of condensate, which   emerged recently is the potential sale of a
       hit all-time highs this month, as Russia cut   is a very light form of crude, reached nearly   majority stake in its Oil & Gas business.
       refining output and diesel exports. read more  240,000 barrels per day (bpd) at the end of the   In its latest statement, the company said
         However, spot premiums have halved   calendar year to March 20.        it has received an early-stage proposal for a
       from peaks over the last week in muted trade,   That comes as condensate exports from   potential sale of a majority stake in its Oil &
       prompting some buyers to call for smaller   Iran had been reported at only 60,000 bpd in   Gas business and has entered preliminary
       hikes in Saudi oil prices.          early August when Owji took office under a   discussions with an interested party.
         “Physical supply-demand balance is not   new administrative government in Tehran.  The divestment could be part of Lamprell’s
       that strong,” said one respondent, adding that   Condensates accounted for a significant   financial strategy it unveiled at the start of
       spot premiums for grades such as Murban had  part of Iranian crude oil exports before the   the year which may include additional equity,
       fallen dramatically.                United States imposed its unilateral sanctions   monetizing assets, project-specific financing,
         Saudi Aramco may also reduce price   on Iran in 2018.                  including small working capital facilities with
       hikes for Saudi medium and heavy grades as   Shipments declined significantly after   Saudi banks, and hybrid facilities to conclude
       Russian Urals crude is still heading into India,   major customers like South Korea stopped   these options in the second quarter of 2022.
       another respondent said.            imports from Iran to comply with American   As part of the reorganization in January,
         Indian state refiners and Nayara Energy   sanctions.                   the company was segmented into three
       have bought several million barrels of Urals   That comes as Iran has been facing an   distinct business units, Renewables, Digital,
       crude this month, drawn by low prices. read   increased supply of condensate from its   and Oil & Gas. These reflect Lamprell’s recent
       more                                South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf where   track record as one of the leading providers
         “We recommended lower OSPs as     natural gas production has more than doubled   of fabrication services to the renewables
       otherwise they (Saudi grades) will be too   over the past decade.        industry.
       expensive next cycle,” a third respondent said.  Owji did not elaborate on more details   Since 2017, the company has fabricated
       Saudi crude OSPs, usually released around the   about increased condensate shipments from   over 100 foundations for the UK’s flagship
       fifth of each month, set the trend for Iranian,   Iran including to where they have been sent.  offshore wind farms, with serial production
       Iraqi and Kuwaiti prices, affecting about 9   However, unconfirmed reports have   for renewables projects becoming a core area
       million barrels per day (bpd) of crude bound   suggested that private buyers in China have   of expertise for Lamprell.
       for Asia.                           imported large cargoes of Iranian crude in late   At the same time, the Group has
         State oil giant Saudi Aramco sets its crude   2021 and early this year.  accelerated its focus on digital innovation and
       prices based on recommendations from   The minister reiterated his previous   continued to advance its traditional business
       customers and after calculating the change in   statements about Iran’s success to reduce large   of providing jack-up rigs and related energy
       the value of its oil over the past month, based   inventories of crude that has been floating on   infrastructure to the oil & gas industry, with
       on yields and product prices.       sea since the sanctions were imposed.  a strong competitive position in the Arabian
         As a matter of policy, Saudi Aramco   He said condensate supply to domestic   Gulf.
       officials do not comment on the kingdom’s   customers had increased over the past eight   The direction is also strengthened by recent
       monthly OSPs.                       months, allowing a better management of   deals from the Oil & Gas and Renewables
       REUTERS                             crude storage facilities in south of Iran.  industries. The company has received limited
                                           PRESSTV                              notice to proceed from the Saudi-based
                                                                                contractor, Bas Global Marine Services
       GAS                                                                      (BGMS), on the construction of multiple
                                           SERVICES                             jack-up lift barges and delivery by the second
       Iran’s condensate exports           Lamprell enters oil and gas          half of 2023.
                                                                                  It has also signed a Moray West Offshore
       quadrupled in August-               business sale talks                  Wind Farm capacity reservation deal with
                                                                                Ocean Winds, a 50-50 joint venture between
       March                               UAE-based offshore construction and   EDP Renewables and ENGIE, securing
                                                                                capacity at Lamprell’s Hamriyah yard for the
       Iran’s oil minister Javad Owji says condensate   fabrication specialist Lamprell has pushed   work as the project moves towards a financial
       exports from the country rose nearly four-fold   back the publication of its financial figures for   close and full contract award.
       over the past eight months.         the year 2021 as it goes over potential financial   RIGZONE
         Speaking to the Iranian radio on Monday,   and strategic options. One of the options that

       Week 13   30•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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