Page 4 - MEOG Week 13 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       OPEC+ kicks off

       meeting with

       focus on supplies

       All eyes are on the cartel as it navigates the choppy waters of
       oil price volatility and supply disruptions from its own members.

        OPEC+            THE OPEC+ group meets in Vienna this week  sold to Asian instead of European customers.
                         to decide on May production levels at a pivotal   Prices have been driven up further as exports
                         point for oil markets. With consumers begging  from Kazakhstan, the second-largest producer
       WHAT:             for more crude supplies to ease the current sup-  on the non-OPEC side, are seen falling by around
       This week’s meeting will   ply/demand pinch, OPEC and its allies remain  320,000 bpd in April, according to the country’s
       determine production   in the driving seat as numerous members have  energy ministry, as work is carried out to repair
       quotas for May and will   reasserted their commitment to output restraint.  loading facilities at the port of Novorossiisk.
       likely have oil price   It appears unlikely that they will now throw   However, the OPEC+ deal has aided the
       ramifications.    caution to the wind and deviate from plans to  post-pandemic  recovery  among  producer
                         increase production quotas by a combined  nations and there has been little sign of a shift
       WHY:              400,000 barrels per day (bpd); however, May is  in policy. Indeed, UAE Energy Minister Suhail
       There are plans to raise   the month that renegotiated baselines come into  Al-Mazrouei said: “We are experts in our field
       the baseline levels for the   effect, potentially adding a combined 1.6mn bpd  and we have been doing it for a long time.”
       OPEC+ quotas but with   to target levels.                He added: “We’re trying to balance the mar-
       the group having failed to                             ket and it’s not an easy job. When we say this is
       hit its targets, there are   No shocks expected        the right way to do it, we know from experience,
       concerns about playing   Oil price volatility has persisted despite ongoing  so trust us.”
       that hand too early.  peace talks between Russian and Ukraine and
                         is unlikely to dissipate in the short term, with  No politics
       WHAT NEXT:        summer air conditioning requirements likely  The group’s Middle Eastern leaders have sought
       Uncertainty about   to cause a spike in crude burn, while increased  to distance themselves from having to take a
       Russian supplies and   travel will raise fuel demand.  position against Russia, with Saudi Energy Min-
       a reduction in Kazakh   Meanwhile, around 1.2-1.5mn bpd of Rus-  ister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud say-
       exports are likely to weigh   sian crude is believed to have been removed from  ing that OPEC+ is not a platform “for the moral,
       heavily on the group’s   the market because of sanctions and bans on  ethical and political issues; when it comes to
       ability to hit its quotas in   imports from the country in light of the conflict  OPEC, we have managed to compartmentalise
       the coming months.  in Ukraine, and roughly 3mn bpd is seen being  our political differences for the last 35 years.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 13   30•March•2022
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