Page 4 - DMEA Week 48 2022
P. 4
Rendering of Rovuma LNG onshore facility (Image: Galp)
Eni’s proposal for another
FLNG offshore Mozambique
The Italian major’s plan appears to be aimed at jump-starting the repeatedly postponed
Rovuma LNG project in order to take advantage of soaring demand for gas in Europe
THE government of Mozambique recently cel- specify whether Nyusi was referring to previous
ebrated the launch of the country’s first LNG remarks by Eni’s CEO Claudio Descalzi about
WHAT: cargo with a ceremony marking the inaugura- installing medium-scale modular gas liquefac-
Following Coral South’s tion of the Coral Sul floating LNG (FLNG) unit, tion units at Coral South LNG’s licence area to
first cargo, Eni and the the vessel that Eni (Italy) and its partners in the boost production capacity or to something else.
government of Mozam- Coral South LNG consortium used to process However, Brusco offered some hints as to
bique are discussing the and load natural gas for export. what Eni might have in mind. Africa-Press
installation of another The ceremony was attended by Mozam- quoted him as saying on the sidelines of the
FLNG. bique’s President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi and November 23 ceremony that the company was
Energy and Mineral Resources Carlos Zacarias, in discussions with Mozambique’s govern-
WHY: as well as Guido Brusco, Eni’s COO for natural ment on implementing an FLNG solution for
Shifts in the European resources. It took place onshore in Pemba, a port “onshore developments” that have been delayed
gas market give the Ital-
ian major an incentive to town in Cabo Delgado Province, after the depar- because of the security situation in Cabo Del-
jump-start Rovuma LNG. ture of the first LNG cargo from the Coral Sul gado Province.
FLNG on November 13. “What is clear is that we need to act quickly.
WHAT NEXT: According to a statement published by Eni Everything is in place to achieve this goal. We
ExxonMobil may be slow on November 23, Nyusi spoke with represent- have proven reserves, proven technology, a
to change course on the atives of Eni on the sidelines of the ceremony strong and committed team, track record of
project because of its about “the possibility of replicating the success delivery achieved with the Coral Sul platform
own size. of the Coral South project with further FLNG and government support,” he stated. “We will
development, as well as other onshore projects.” continue to work closely with partners and the
It was not immediately clear what the Ital- government to assess all possible options for fur-
ian major meant by this. The statement did not ther developments.”
P4 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 48 01•December•2022