Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 44 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The ne``t funds obtained and raised by the Com-                          in Q3-2022 was $85.02, an approximately 13%
       pany with the Issuance of the Commercial Notes                           decrease over Q2-2022. Revenue received by
       will be allocated, by the Company, (a) until the                         the Company from oil sales (being gross reve-
       maturity date of the 3rd series real state receiv-                       nues less Government royalties and mandatory
       ables certificates, backed by the Commercial                             source deductions and adjustments applica-
       Notes, to be established in the CRI securitisa-                          ble under the relevant licences), amounted to
       tion term, or (b) until the Company proves the                           approximately $1.3 million in Q3-2022. This
       application of all the resources obtained with                           represents average net revenue to the Company
       the Issuance of the Commercial Notes, which-                             of $40.20 per barrel sold, an approximately 11%
       ever occurs first, directly by the Company, for                          decrease on Q2-2022, largely as a consequence of
       (I) payment of expenses, costs and expenses not  9,188/2017.             a decline in oil price.
       yet incurred, by the Company, directly related to   This transaction is aligned with the portfolio   The Company’s business in Trinidad and
       the construction, expansion, development and/  management strategy and the improvement of  Tobago operated on a break-even pre-tax oper-
       or renovation, and/or the payment of amounts  the company’s capital allocation, aiming at the  ating profit basis in Q3-2022 (Q2-2022: $0.2mn).
       due under contracts of lease and other real  maximisation of value and greater return to  In aggregate during the first nine `months of
       estate contracts, of certain properties and/or  society.                 2022 the business in Trinidad and Tobago has
       real estate developments to be described in the   Metanor is a corporation, established in 1969,  generated field operating profits of approxi-
       Issuance Instrument, and/or (II) reimburse-  jointly controlled by Petrobras and Dexxos Par-  mately $1.6mn, and a pre-tax operating cash
       ment of expenses, costs and expenses already  ticipações. It operates, through its subsidiary  surplus of approximately $0.6mn (stated after
       incurred by the Company, within a maximum  Companhia Petroquímica do Nordeste (Cope-  field operating costs, in-country G&A and other
       period of 24 months prior to the closing of the  nor), in the segments of methanol commercial-  Trinidad expenses, but before corporation and
       real state receivables certificates offering, directly  isation and production of methanol-derived  other taxes including supplemental petroleum
       related to the payment of amounts due under  products, notably formaldehyde and hexamine.  tax where applicable, and noting that, given the
       lease agreements and other real estate agree-  Petrobras, October 27 2022  extent of carry-forward tax losses, the Company
       ments, of certain properties and /or real estate                         is currently largely shielded from corporation
       projects to be described in the Issuance Agree-                          taxes).
       ment, observing the way in which the resources  PERFORMANCE                Eytan Uliel, CEO of Challenger Energy,
       are used and the indicative schedule for the use                         said: “We plan for a certain level of disruption
       of the resources to be described in the Issuance   Challenger Energy provides   each year during the rainy season, but during
       Agreement.                                                               the third quarter we experienced considerably
         This notice to the market is exclusively   update on operations in     more than expected, resulting in production
       informative, under the terms of the legislation                          downtime, and it also became necessary to delay
       in force, and should not be interpreted or con-  Trinidad in Q3-2022     much of the routine maintenance and produc-
       sidered, for all legal purposes and effects, as sales                    tion enhancement activities we had hoped to
       and/or disclosure material for the Commercial  AIM-listed Challenger Energy, the Caribbean  undertake. At the same time realised oil prices
       Notes and/or the CRI offering.      and Atlantic-margin focused oil and gas com-  declined from the highs seen in Q2. Operation-
       Petrobras, October 31 2022          pany, with oil production, appraisal, develop-  ally, therefore, the third quarter of 2022 was
                                           ment and exploration assets across the region,  challenging. Nonetheless, in aggregate the first
       Petrobras reaches                   has provided the following update on its Trini-  nine months of 2022 continues to represent an
                                           dad and Tobago business unit’s operating results  improving overall financial performance for
       teaser stage in sale                for Q3-2022 (July 1, 2023, to September 30,  the Trinidad business, with positive field level
                                                                                operating profits (unaudited, before G&A) and
       of stake in Metanor                 32,370 barrels, representing an approximately  During the fourth quarter, as weather conditions
                                              Total gross oil production for Q3-2022 was  a positive unaudited pre-tax operating profit.
       Petrobras informs that it has started the oppor-  5% decline on Q2-2022. The decline reflects  improve, we expect less production disruption,
       tunity disclosure stage (teaser), regarding the  the impact of especially adverse weather condi-  so we will be able to begin clearing the backlog of
       sale of its entire shareholding, corresponding to  tions causing grid and field level electrical fail-  delayed field activity, which should benefit pro-
       50% of the voting capital and 34.54% of the total  ures through the quarter (and continuing into  duction levels further.”
       capital, in the company Metanol do Nordeste  the beginning of Q4-2022), and which resulted   Note 1: Oil sales are predominantly made
       (Metanor), headquartered in Camaçari, in the  in between three to eight days of production  to Heritage Petroleum Company Ltd (HPC),
       state of Bahia.                     downtime (varying by field), as well as the need  the Trinidadian national oil company, which
         The teaser, which contains the key infor-  to delay/reschedule much of the production  then apply certain deductions and adjustments
       mation about the opportunity, as well as the  enhancement work that had been planned for  before payment of funds to the Company. These
       eligibility criteria for the selection of potential  the quarter.        vary between various licences, and include
       participants, is available on Petrobras’ Investor   Despite the lower gross oil production, the  deduction of Government royalties, Heritage
       Relations website.                  Company was able to maintain oil sales at a  overriding royalties, facilitation fees, escrow and
         The main subsequent stages of the project will  comparatively constant level during Q3-2022,  mandatory contributions to the abandonment
       be informed to the market in due course.  through release of inventory build-up in  fund, oil impost, and in respect of Goudron and
         This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-  Q2-2022, with total oil sales in Q3-2022 amount-  Inniss-Trinity only, deduction of agreed first
       bras’ internal rules and with the special regime  ing to 31,267 barrels (marginally higher than  tranche volume and addition of an agreed han-
       for divestment of assets by federal mixed  Q2-2022 oil sales, by 0.3%).  dling fee.
       economy companies, provided for in Decree   Gross realised average price per barrel sold   Challenger Energy, November 1 2022

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   02•November•2022
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