Page 12 - DMEA Week 29 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              the history of Iraq.                 AfDB, , has said that it is important to base
                                             The Minister of Oil said, according to the   investment decisions on Africa on facts, not
       Iraq close to resolving oil         statement, that “the arbitration panel closed   fiction, or perceptions.
                                                                                  Speaking on why American investors
                                           the presentation of the case by the parties,
       dispute with Turkey                 after hearing their regulations and their pleas,   should move into Africa at the just concluded
                                                                                US- Africa Business Summit held in
                                           and that there is no further opportunity for
       Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar announced   extension or postponement, expecting that   Marrakech, Morocco, Adesina said Africa
       today, Friday, that Iraq is close to resolving an   the arbitration panel of the International   offers a very profitable investment destination.
       oil dispute with Turkey by an international   Chamber of Commerce in Paris will issue its   He said: “Savvy investors know that if you
       decision.                           final and decisive decision within the next few   are not investing in Africa, you are really
         A statement issued by the Ministry of Oil,   months.”                  missing out on the world’s leading investment
       received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), said   The Minister of Oil expressed his gratitude   opportunities frontier.”
       that “the final session of the arbitration panel   to the arbitration panel of the International   “And investors are paying a lot of attention
       of the International Chamber of Commerce in   Chamber of Commerce in Paris for its   to Africa. The number of private equity funds
       the dispute between the Republic of Iraq and   professional handling of the dispute, which   in Africa grew from only 12 in 1997 to 150 by
       the Republic of Turkey regarding the pipeline   gave the two parties the opportunity and time   2020.”
       agreement between Iraq and Turkey was held   to defend their positions.    Adesina added “I am very positive about
       in Paris, July 2022.”                 He explained that “Iraq has good relations   Africa’s investment opportunities, and so
         Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar Ismail   with Turkey, and this arbitration does not   should you. In Nigeria, the Dangote urea plant
       affirmed, “Iraq’s keenness to restore its   constitute an obstacle to the development   is the largest urea plant in the world, while its
       legitimate rights to its national wealth in   and expansion of bilateral relations to achieve   oil refinery is the largest single train refinery
       accordance with international laws and   common interests, while Iraq retains its   in the world - an investment of $20 billion.”
       treaties,” stressing Iraq’s respect for just and   constitutional powers and sovereignty over all   “Africa is primed to be the alternative
       equitable decisions issued by courts and   its wealth.”                  source of supply of natural gas to help secure
       relevant authorities that consider cases related   The Minister of Oil praised the   energy supplies to Europe, following the
       to violations and disputes, including those   distinguished efforts of the International   Russian war in Ukraine that has disrupted
       related to oil wealth.              Legal Advisory Office and the Ministry’s   energy supplies. Mozambique, with the
         The Minister of Oil added,        Legal Committee in defending Iraq’s rights   support of the African Development Bank
         According to the statement, the   to manage its oil wealth and the Ministry of   and private investors is poised to become the
       International Chamber of Commerce is   Oil’s possession of its constitutional powers   3rd largest supplier of natural gas in the world,
       considering the arbitration case filed by   and authorities, for their serious efforts over   from a $24 billion investment.”
       the Republic of Iraq against the Republic   the past years to achieve justice and restore   “From Nigeria, to Ghana, Tanzania,
       of Turkey for violating the provisions   Iraq’s legitimate rights in order to preserve its   Senegal, Morocco and Kenya, Africa now has
       of the Iraqi-Turkish pipeline agreement   security and sovereignty in accordance with   some of the largest reserves of natural gas in
       signed in 1973, which stipulates that the   for the statement.           the world.”
       Turkish government must comply with the   INA                              He added: “The future of electric vehicles
       instructions of the Iraqi side regarding the                             will depend on availability of lithium-ion.
       movement of crude oil coming from Iraq in                                Africa has some of the largest lithium deposits
       all centers Storage, drainage and terminal.  COMPANIES                   in the world, from Democratic Republic of
         At the hearing, which was held in Paris,                               Congo to Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Mali,
       the Ministry of Oil was represented by the   Africa offers profitable    enough to make Africa competitive with
       Minister personally, a number of ministry                                China and Chile, in the race for supplying
       officials, the Iraqi embassy in Paris, and the   investment destination  global value chains for electric cars.
       legal and technical work team, due to the                                  “Africa also holds huge opportunities
       importance of the lawsuit as it is the largest in   The President of African Development Bank,   in agriculture, with 65% of the remaining

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2022
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