Page 13 - DMEA Week 29 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       uncultivated arable land left to feed the world,   tilting more US private sector investments to   SUPPLY
       so what Africa does with agriculture will   Africa.
       determine the future of food in the world.   “It is time to refresh, reengage, and re-  Iraq can boost oil output
       And the size of the food and agriculture   invest in Africa. As you do, it is important to
       market in Africa will reach a whopping $1   base investment decisions on Africa on facts,   by 200,000 bpd in 2022 if
       trillion by 2030.                   not fiction, or perceptions.
         “If these are not enough to convince you   “Perception is not reality. Think of the   asked
       to invest in Africa, let me try further. Africa’s   following: In 2020, Moody’s Analytics
       Continental Free Trade Area will become   performed a 10-year cumulative assessment   Iraq has the capacity to increase its oil
       the largest free-trade zone in the world, with   of global infrastructure debt default rates, by   production by 200,000 barrel per day (bpd)
       a market size of $3.3 trillion, covering 54   region.”                   this year if asked, an executive of Iraq’s Basra
       countries, with a population of 1.3 billion   “It found that infrastructure loans perform   Oil Co. (BOC) told Reuters on Friday.
       people.                             worse in Eastern Europe, Latin America,   “If Iraq is asked to increase production, we
         “Renewable energy investment      and Oceania. Africa was the region with the   can add 200,000 barrels until the end of the
       opportunities are immense, including 10 TW   second lowest cumulative default rate, after   year as available production capacity,” Hassan
       of solar, 350 GW of hydropower, 150 GW of   the Middle East.             Mohammed, deputy BOC manager in charge
       wind, and 15 GW of geothermal.         “Proof once again, that infrastructure as   of oilfields and licensing rounds affairs, said in
         “The African Development Bank is   an asset class in Africa is solid, secure, and   an interview.
       mobilizing $20 billion for developing the   profitable.”                   “But (to produce) more than this amount,
       Desert to Power in the Sahel, which will   He said that is why the African   (we) need more time.” The increase will come
       power the economies of 11 countries with   Development Bank invested over $44 billion   from West Qurna 1 oilfields and other oilfields
       solar and become the world’s largest solar   in infrastructure in Africa in the past six years,  developed by Iraqi state-run oil companies,
       zone.                               from energy, transport, digital infrastructure,   Mohammed added.
         “From DRC, Morocco, Namibia and   water, and sanitation.                 This comes two weeks after US President
       Botswana, huge opportunities exist for green   “The largest investor in infrastructure   Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia as part of his
       hydrogen, the fuel of the future”   in Africa among all multilateral financial   first trip to the Middle East as US president,
         The AfDB boss’s said in the 2020 survey   institutions. “That is also why Africa50   hoping to strike a deal on oil production to
       conducted by the African Private Equity and   is investing in commercially viable   help drive down gasoline prices.
       Venture Capital Association, about 45% of   infrastructure which has demonstrated that   Oil prices have rocketed to their highest
       Limited Partners expect returns in Africa to   pension funds and sovereign wealth funds can   levels since 2008, climbing above $139 a barrel
       outperform those of emerging markets and   profitably invest in infrastructure in Africa.  in March, after the United States and Europe
       developed markets, over the next 10 years.   “Africa50 has established the Infrastructure   imposed sanctions on Russia over its invasion
       “60% of limited partners indicated that they   Acceleration Fund, a private equity fund, to   of Ukraine, which Moscow calls a “special
       plan to increase allocations to Africa in the   raise $500 million from institutional investors.   military operation.” Prices have slipped since
       next three years.                   Adesina noted that the fund, which expects   then.
         “I really believe that this is the time for   to reach a first closing this year, “presents an   Separately, Indonesia’s state-owned oil
       US investors to rapidly move into and invest   excellent opportunity for US institutional   and gas firm Pertamina bought 10 percent
       massively in Africa. There is always a first-  investors. I urge you to invest in it.  of Exxon Mobil’s stake in Iraq’s West Qurna
       mover advantage, and opportunities wait for   African Development Bank, according   1 oilfield, increasing its share to 20 percent,
       no one.                             to him, is already working closely with   while BOC bought 22.7 percent of the field.
         “US Foreign Direct investment to   several US agencies to help promote greater   In January, the Iraqi government gave its
       Africa in 2020 was $47.5 billion. While   investments in Africa, including the Prosper   approval for the Iraqi National Oil Company
       this is significant, there is a lot of room for   Africa, Power Africa, US Development   to acquire Exxon Mobil Corp’s stake in the
       expansion, as the FDI from US to Africa   Finance Corporation, as well as the US Trade   giant West Qurna 1 oilfield.
       represents only 5.2% of US’s global foreign   Development Agency.          West Qurna 1, in southern Iraq, is one of
       direct investment.                  VANGUARD                             the world’s largest oilfields with recoverable
         Adesina noted that President Biden’s Build                             reserves estimated at more than 20 billion
       Back Better World can help a long way in                                 barrels. It produces around 550,000 barrels

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