Page 4 - DMEA Week 29 2022
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Middle East cargoes

       easing Europe’s strain

       Crude and product shipments from the Middle East are easing
       the strain on European refiners as Russian volumes head East.

        MIDDLE EAST      AS the European Union closes in on a formal  Alexandria – so far in July, nearly double the level
                         embargo on purchases of Russian oil, concerns  of the same month last year.
                         have turned to identifying possible replacements   Saudi Arabia accounts for the bulk of the
       WHAT:             for these cargoes.                   piped volumes, with Iraq also increasing
       Oil flows to Europe from   With the Middle East being home to the  supplies.
       the Middle East have shot   majority of the world’s proven oil reserves, the   Meanwhile the latter has also been raising
       up as Russian volumes   region’s top producers have been called on to  the number of cargoes it sends towards Europe
       head to Asia.     raise upstream output.               through the Suez Canal.
                           While these calls have largely fallen on deaf   The pipeline’s total daily average has risen to
       WHY:              ears, Saudi Arabia and Iraq have diverted exist-  1.09mn bpd, all of which is destined for Europe,
       Self-imposed restrictions   ing production towards Europe, expanding  the highest volume since April 2020. Middle
       on the purchase of   inter-regional trade as Russian crude is snapped  Eastern countries – mainly Iraq – have also been
       Russian oil are shifting   up by China and India at discounted rates on  sending around 1.2mn bpd of cargoes to Europe
       trade dynamics.   account of the former’s limited market.  through Suez, giving a rough total of 2.2mn
                           Further downstream, a new refinery in  bpd of crude trade. This would represent a 90%
       WHAT NEXT:        Kuwait is set to begin marketing new supplies  increase compared to January, before the conflict
       Refined product   of low and very low sulphur fuel oil (LSFO and  in Ukraine began.
       shipments are likely   VLSFO) ahead of next year’s ban on buying Rus-  Meanwhile, Russian crude is going in the
       to grow in the months   sian refined products.         opposite direction via ports in the Baltic and the
       ahead as the EU moves to                               Black Sea, supplying China and India at heavily
       restrict Russian supplies   SuMed supplies             discounted prices, in a major, though likely tem-
       further downstream.  According to vessel-tracking data compiled  porary, shift in global oil trade dynamics. This is
                         by Bloomberg, more than 1mn barrels per day  in sharp contrast to the gas market, with Euro-
                         (bpd) of Middle Eastern oil has been transported  pean countries unable to secure enough LNG
                         via the SuMed pipeline – that runs across Egypt  from Gulf suppliers to displace Russian flows
                         from the port of Ain Sokhna on the Red Sea to  owing to existing contracts, mainly with Asian

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2022
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