Page 6 - DMEA Week 29 2022
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       NIOC and Gazprom sign

       MoU for $40bn deal

       The companies sitting atop the world’s two top gas reserve totals have
       teamed up to collaborate on projects throughout the oil and gas supply chain.

        MIDDLE EAST      THE National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) and Rus-  on gas and product swaps, while Gazprom will
                         sia’s Gazprom this week signed a memorandum  work to complete LNG projects abandoned
                         of understanding (MoU) covering investment  when sanctions were imposed on Iran in 2012
       WHAT:             worth around $40bn.                  and construct gas export pipelines.
       The companies signed a   During a virtual ceremony on July 19, a deal   The deal also covers scientific and technolog-
       wide-ranging deal that   was signed by NIOC CEO Mohsen Khojaste-  ical co-operation.
       is set to bear its first   hmehr and Gazprom deputy chairman Vitaly   In this form, the deal appears to cover several
       fruit through expediting   Markelov that will include field development,  of the key areas of focus outlined in a 2018 agree-
       operations at South Pars.  product swaps and the completion of midstream  ment between the same parties.
                         projects, including LNG facilities and pipelines.  At that time, Moscow was reported to have
       WHY:                Khojastehmehr described the deal as one of  signed deals covering 17 fields, while the Rus-
       Both companies    the biggest foreign direct investment (FDI) deals  sian firms had public deals in place for studies at
       have limited options   in the history of Iran’s oil industry and said: “The  another 10. Kish and North Pars are seen as the
       for international   National Iranian Oil Company does not ignore  key fields for supplying the incomplete Iran LNG
       collaboration on account   any investment opportunity.”  facility at Tombak Port.
       of geopolitical factors.  Meanwhile, Markelov said: “In accordance
                         with the order of Vladimir Putin, the President of  Gas push
       WHAT NEXT:        Russia, the senior Gazprom executives attended  North Pars was discovered in 1963 and is located
       The realisation of Iran’s   Tehran last week and we had constructive talks.”  120 km south-east of Bushehr Province at a
       long-stalled LNG efforts   The Ministry of Petroleum’s (MoP) Shana  water depth of 3,500 metres. It is estimated to
       is included in the deal,   news agency reported that the MoU covers the  have at least 57 trillion cubic feet (1.6 trillion
       though feeding such   development of the Kish and North Pars gas  cubic metres) of gas in place, around 70% of
       projects will depend   fields, pressure enhancement at the supergiant  which is located in its upper reservoir.
       on the development of   South Pars gas field and the development of six   At the time of the 2018 deal, 17 wells have
       untapped fields.  undisclosed oilfields. The parties will also engage  been drilled and 26 offshore platforms installed

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   21•July•2022
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