Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            inventory of future drilling locations and   Linhua Guan. “Using dual fuel completions
                                           Charlie Lake acreage by an incremental 33   and plans to further reduce GHG emissions
       Tamarack Valley Energy              (32.7 net) locations and greater than 18,000   with an electric frack fleet demonstrate Surge’s
                                           additional acres of land, through strategic
                                                                                commitment to sustainability.”
       announces closing of                tuck-in activity in the greater Charlie Lake   SURGE ENERGY US HOLDINGS, June 3, 2021
                                           fairway since the initial announcement of
       previously announced                the acquisition. Tamarack’s highly economic   HNRC targets $100mn
                                           Charlie Lake inventory represents >257 (240.0
       Anegada Oil acquisition and         net) locations and over 10 years of planned   expansion
                                           drilling inventory in the play. The Charlie
       Charlie Lake Update                 Lake light oil inventory has very robust   Houston Natural Resources Corp. (HNR)
                                                                                confirmed today that it is targeting
                                           economics consisting of: high productivity
       Tamarack Valley Energy is pleased to   wells (IP30 rates of >650 boepd(4)); payouts   acquisitions up to $100mn in acquisitions in
       announce that it has successfully closed the   of less than 6 months; profit to investment   the oil and gas sector through its subsidiary
       previously announced acquisition of Anegada   ratios(1) (10% discount) of >1.7; and long-  Houston Natural Resources, Inc. (HNRI).
       Oil. Tamarack acquired all of the issued and   term net asset value growth (NPV10 per well   This would add more than $6 per share
       outstanding common shares of Anegada for   greater than CAD5mn) at $55/bbl WTI and   to HNRI’s independently appraised value
       total net consideration of 105.3mn common   $2.50/GJ AECO.               of $69,000,000 in proven reserves that are
       shares of Tamarack and CAD247.5mn in cash   TAMARACK VALLEY ENERGY, June 1, 2021  currently valued at $4.47 per share.
       and assumed net debt, after deducting the                                  Oil prices have been rising driven by
       proceeds from the closing of the previously   Surge Energy America       expectations that recovering demand with
       announced 2% gross overriding royalty. In                                summer travel and reopening economies will
       conjunction with the acquisition, Tamarack’s   announces use of dual fuel   easily accommodate the gradual increase in
       credit syndicate has increased the company’s                             OPEC+ production.
       credit facilities to $600mn and extended the   completions                 Oil prices rose sharply on Tuesday, with
       revolving period to May 31, 2022.                                        Brent topping $71 per barrel, the highest
         Current production from the newly   Surge Energy US Holdings announces the   level in more than two and a half years. “The
       acquired assets is approximately 12,500   use of dual fuel completions on a multi-well,   demand growth is pretty OK, the OPEC+
       boepd. The company forecasts a range of   multi-zone pad in its Moss Creek field.  discipline is very good, inventories are
       12,000 to 13,000 boepd for the second half   Surge Energy recently completed a multi-  going down,” Fereidun Fesharaki, chairman
       of 2021, maintaining that level of production   zone, 10 well project in the company’s Moss   of consultants FGE, said in a Bloomberg
       on a go forward basis. Tamarack plans to run   Creek field in Howard County. Within this   television interview. “If there is no Iranian
       two rigs in the play during the month of June,   project, the Company completed a five-well   shadow on the market, prices could hit $75-
       with plans to drill 12 (12.0 net) wells for the   pad with a compressed natural gas (CNG)   $80 by the middle of the third quarter.”
       remainder of the year, with seven (7.0 net) in   and diesel dual fuel system which yielded a   HNRI has acquired approximately 2,800
       the Pipestone area, two (2.0 net) in Wembley,   GHG emissions reduction of approximately   acres of oil and gas leases located in the Halff
       two (2.0 net) in Saddle Hills and one (1.0 net)   845 metric tons (1.86mn pounds) of CO2e   Oil Field in Crockett County, Texas. HNRI is
       in Valhalla. Approximately two-thirds of the   Emissions. Further, the Company has plans   currently reviewing possible acquisitions of
       wells planned are three-mile horizontals with   to introduce an electric frac fleet in 2021 to   producing oil and gas properties in addition
       the remainder being two-mile horizontals.   further reduce GHG emissions.  to operating its water treatment facilities
       Tamarack’s total budget for 2021 is expected   “The use of CNG and diesel dual fuel   operated by its subsidiary HNR Oil Services,
       to be approximately CAD180mn.       powered fracking is the latest example of   LLC.
         Tamarack has proactively enhanced the   Surge’s culture of innovation,” stated CEO   The company has previously announced
                                                                                that it intends to focus on realizing the value
                                                                                on  the total of $9.67 per share in assets
                                                                                held by its subsidiaries for the benefit of
                                                                                the shareholders. The strategy may include
                                                                                asset sales, a spin off of one or more of its
                                                                                subsidiaries and dividends to shareholders.
                                                                                  The company projects total combined
                                                                                revenues of $23mn and $12mn in earnings
                                                                                for the year ending December 31, 2021. The
                                                                                forward earnings per share are projected to
                                                                                be $0.77c per share. According to industry
                                                                                research, the S&P 500 Integrated Oil & Gas
                                                                                Index, forward earnings, & valuation, as of
                                                                                May 25,2021, is between 8x and 14x forward
                                                                                earnings. This would imply a target value
                                                                                for HNRC of $6.16 per share and $10.78 per
                                                                                HOUSTON NATURAL RESOURCES CORP., June
                                                                                2, 2021

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   03•June•2021
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