Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2021
P. 7
NorthAmOil COMMENTARY NorthAmOil
treatment and pipeline transport of the gas. In its response to the consultation, Gazprom
Meanwhile, Gazprom estimates LNG sup- called for the legislation to align with level four
plies from Qatar to have a carbon footprint of and five standards of the Oil and Gas Methane
14.2 grams of CO2 equivalent per MJ, because Partnership (OGMP), a voluntary initiative
of the added emissions from liquefaction and to reduce methane emissions. Rules are also
LNG transport by sea. This is the same reason needed for other major methane-emitting sec-
for the higher emissions relating to Algerian and tors like livestock and crop production, Gaz-
US supplies, which amount to 17.4 grams and prom said, as measures to curb emissions in
23.8 grams respectively. these areas have not been as effective as in the
Gazprom has also described its methane oil and gas industry. US Energy
emissions as among the lowest in the industry. “An objective system of verification and con-
Far less methane is emitted into the atmosphere trol is needed that ensures equal treatment of Secretary Jennifer
than CO2, but it is a much more potent green- all gas suppliers in a transparent manner,” Gaz- Granholm
house gas (GHG). Gazprom estimates its meas- prom said. “Its sole goal must be to objectively
ured and verified methane emissions at only measure and then reduce emissions.” described
0.02% for production, 0.29% for transport and The company added that “in developing
0.03% for underground storage. an evidence-based and objective approach to Russian gas as
Eliminating more of its methane emissions methane emissions, it will be important to avoid
are a key concern for Gazprom and other gas measures that may lead to artificial market dis- the “dirtiest” in
suppliers to Europe. The European Commission tortions with respect to natural gas as an energy the world on May
is currently working on a proposal to introduce source.”
legislation to curb methane emissions from the “Imposing quotas or charges on methane 28.
energy sector. Brussels will likely apply the same emissions that are not supported by objective
standards to gas imports as gas produced locally. data can lead to an unjustified increase in the
The legislation will include compulsory meas- price of gas and an unjustified restriction on
urement, reporting and verification (MRV) at the development of low-carbon hydrogen
a company level for all energy sector methane from natural gas, the role of which is noted
emissions. It will also require companies to in the EU Hydrogen Strategy,” it continued.
improve leak detection and repair (LDAR) at “This effect would run contrary to the EU’s
infrastructure and work towards eliminating Green Deal objectives and make it harder to
route venting of methane and flaring. achieve them.”
Week 22 03•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7