Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2021
P. 4
NorthAmOil COMMENTARY NorthAmOil
Steps forward, steps back
for Alaskan oil and gas
The administration of US President Joe Biden has backed the
earlier approval of ConocoPhillips’ Willow project, but has
subsequently opted to suspend leases in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge
ALASKA THE administration of US President Joe Biden while preparing to kick off work in a region spe-
is starting to make its position on oil and gas cifically earmarked for oil development by US
WHAT: production in Alaska clearer, with two separate Congress.
The past week has seen events over the past week coming as mixed news
mixed news for Alaska’s for the state’s industry. Defending Willow
oil and gas industry. First, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) The DoJ’s defence of the Trump administra-
sided with the previous administration – under tion’s approval of Willow came in a filing with
WHY: former US President Donald Trump – on its the US District Court for the District of Alaska.
The Biden administration approval of ConocoPhillips’ Willow project in The department said the approval had years of
has backed the the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR- analysis, consultation and public input behind it.
previous approval of A). Then in a separate move, the US Depart- Opponents of the project are attempting
ConocoPhillips’ Willow ment of the Interior (DoI) suspended oil and to have its approval overturned through the
project but has also gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge courts, and have argued that the government
suspended leases in the (ANWR) that were issued by the Trump admin- did not adequately consider the impact Wil-
Arctic National Wildlife istration in its final days. low’s development would have on local wildlife
Refuge. The moves illustrate how Biden’s approach and the environment more broadly. However,
differs from that of Trump, especially when it the DoJ told the court that the plaintiffs were
WHAT NEXT: comes to projects that are of particular concern “cherry-picking the records” of the regulators
Biden wants to make the on environmental grounds. Biden has made involved in approving the project.
refuge permanently off- fighting climate change one of his priorities This came after Biden had previously
limits to drilling, though and also pledged to protect the ANWR perma- instructed the DoI to review Willow’s approval,
Alaskan players are nently during his election campaign last year. which was granted in 2020. Now, the Biden
trying to convince him But in the case of the Willow project, he appears administration has said that the federal govern-
otherwise. to be satisfied that ConocoPhillips is following ment followed applicable clean water, animal
all applicable environmental protection laws, protection and environmental laws in approving
P4 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 22 03•June•2021