Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2021
P. 6
NorthAmOil COMMENTARY NorthAmOil
Russia, US make competing claims
over how clean their gas is
Russia and US are once against making competing claims about whose gas has the worst
environmental impact
US-RUSSIA RUSSIA and US are once against making com- Russia hit back against Granholm’s statement,
peting claims about whose gas has the worst with Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak
WHAT: environmental impact. telling reporters on May 28 that Nord Stream 2’s
Russia and US are US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm gas would have a carbon footprint that is four
challenging each other described Russian gas as the “dirtiest” in the times smaller than that of US-produced gas.
over whose gas has the world on May 28. She made the remark dur- “There is much hype about environmental
worst environmental ing a hearing of the House of Representatives friendliness of some products. But if we consider
impact. Committee on Science, Space and Technology, the issue seriously using objective data then the
in which she distanced herself from President result can be surprising for some observers.
WHY: Joe Biden’s position on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Russian gas, sent to Europe via the Nord Stream
The two countries are pipeline. Biden recently opted against imposing gas pipeline, according to various analytical and
competing for market sanctions on the pipeline’s operating company, consulting agencies, has a footprint that is four
share in Europe and in order to improve relations with Germany, an times lower ... than of the gas supplied to Europe
elsewhere. ardent supporter of the project. from the US,” Novak said. “It is mainly linked
“One of the reasons why that pipeline is very to the fact that most US-produced gas is made
WHAT NEXT: dangerous is because it is carrying the dirtiest from shale rocks using hydraulic fracturing,
The competing claims form of natural gas on Earth with no security while Russia pays special attention to ensuring
come as Russia works on methane emissions,” Granholm said. “It’s not its environmental leadership and providing our
to complete the Nord good for our climate.” partners with ecologically clean energy.”
Stream 2 pipeline, which The US is imposing sanctions on four ships Russia state gas company Gazprom presented
the US opposes. and four companies involved in building Nord data to support these claims in a presentation
Stream 2, but they are all Russian and the meas- on May 18. Its gas supplies to Europe via the
ures are unlikely to have any impact on con- Nord Stream and TurkStream pipelines have
struction. The pipeline, with a capacity of 55bn respective carbon footprints of only 6.3 and
cubic metres per year, is due to start up later this 7.8 grams of CO2 equivalent per MJ of energy,
year. it said. The estimates cover the production,
Russia’s Gazprom is
laying the final section
of the Nord Stream 2
pipeline to Germany.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 22 03•June•2021