Page 4 - DMEA Week 35 2021
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DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Another busy week for

       Nigerian downstream

       The DPR has provided its latest update on active refining permits as Aliko Dangote
       offers details on the government’s high-profile acquisition of a stake in his new facility.

        AFRICA           NIGERIA’S  Department of Petroleum  Free Trade Zone, which is working to an end-
                         Resources (DPR) has updated its list of private  2021 completion under its ATC.
                         licensed refineries, showing that more than half   35 of the units on the latest list have been
       WHAT:             of the projects approved have active licences.  awarded an LTE, though only 10 of these are
       The DPR’s list showed   Meanwhile, Aliko Dangote shared details of the  active, with the remaining 25 having expired.
       that 30 out of 70 refining   state’s deal to acquire a minority shareholding in   Two facilities have been issued with an LTO:
       permits issued remained   his new refinery and his company provided an  the 5,000 bpd modular unit developed by Wal-
       active in July.   update on its integrated petrochemicals facility.  tersmith Petroman at Ibigwe and Niger Delta
                           The latest information flows are indicative of  Petroleum Resources’ (NDPR) expanded 6,000
       WHY:              efforts to improve transparency; however, incon-  bpd topping plant in Ogbele.
       This means that two   sistencies and the irregularity of updates has   The Waltersmith facility came into operation
       permits had expired   proved more than sufficient to create confusion.  in November 2020, while the construction has
       since the previous                                     been completed on the NDPR unit and it has
       updates, with another one   Permit update              been referred for oversight by Downstream
       understood to have ended   The list updates a document published by DPR  Monitoring and Regulation (DMR).
       during July.      in April which showed that in March 23 refiner-  The Azikel Hydroskimming Modular Refin-
                         ies had valid permits, leading to media reports  ery is expected to come into operation later this
       WHAT NEXT:        suggesting that 32 licences had been revoked.  year in Bayelsa State with a throughput process-
       NNPC will pay for   This prompted the DPR’s head of public affairs,  ing capacity of 12,000 bpd.
       its $2.7bn purchase   Paul Osu, to make a statement of clarification:   The DPR document showed that permits
       of a 20% stake in   “We wish to clarify that DPR did not revoke any  for the 100,000 bpd Niger Delta Petroleum
       Dangote Refinery with   refinery licence.”             Resources and Petrochemical Ltd at Escravos,
       a combination of cash,   He added that those not included in the pub-  the 100,000 bpd Jil-Amber Consortium conver-
       crude and profits.  lished list had expired. “Refinery licences, like  sion plant at the Port Harcourt Refining complex
                         our other regulatory instruments, have validity  in Rivers State and the 10,000 bpd RG Shinjin
                         periods for investors to attain certain milestones.  Petrochemicals Ltd unit in Koko, Delta State are
                         This implies that after the validity period for the  all inactive.
                         particular milestone, the licence becomes inac-  Meanwhile, the ATC for the 20,000 bpd
                         tive until the company reapplies for revalidation  Conodit Refinery Nigeria Ltd unit in Delta State
                         to migrate to another milestone.”    expired in July, with the ATC for the 10,000 bpd
                           “This does not in any way translate to revoca-  Duport Midstream facility in Edo State expiring
                         tion of licence of the company,” Osu noted.   this month.
                           Much of the confusion appears to have   At time of publication, the DPR had not
                         stemmed from reference to the permits being  responded to a request by NewsBase to obtain
                         ‘active’ or ‘valid’.                 the latest list in full.
                           In a document given to local media outlet The   Of the total proposed capacity of 3.51mn bpd,
                         Nation, the DPR outlined 70 projects with a total  projects with a combined total of 1.49mn bpd
                         proposed refining capacity of 3.51mn barrels per  hold active permits, with the Dangote Refinery
                         day (bpd), but with just 30 of these holding active  accounting for almost 44% of that figure.
                         licences as of July, the April figure of 32 expired   When asked about the likelihood of these
                         permits has now risen to 40.         projects coming to fruition, Ian Simm, Principal
                           The DPR awards four types of permits for  Advisor at UK-based consultancy IGM Energy,
                         private refineries; a two-year licence to establish  told NewsBase: “By setting a two-year deadline
                         (LTE), approval to construct (ATC), approval to  to make tangible progress, the DPR has created
                         relocate (ATR) and licence to operate (LTO).  a transparent system that allows ambitious com-
                           Of the 23 permits that were valid in March, 16  panies the opportunity to set up refineries while
                         related to facilities with a capacity of 12,000 bpd  relatively quickly excluding those that fail to
                         or less, with the outlier being the 650,000 bpd  make the grade.”
                         Dangote Refinery under construction in Lekki   “It does, however, allow for the

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