Page 8 - DMEA Week 35 2021
P. 8

DMEA                                              POLICY                                               DMEA

       Dispute between Libyan Oil

       Ministry, NOC chief heating up

        AFRICA           THE low-level political dispute between Libya’s  Libya’s long-standing practice of treating the
                         National Oil Corp. (NOC) and the Oil Ministry,  position as a sovereign position that requires the
                         a body created earlier this year by the Govern-  approval of other political bodies, such as the
                         ment of National Unity (GNU), appears to be  Parliament.
                         heating up.                            Oun, however, has insisted that his ministry
                           The two sides have been at odds for some  has jurisdiction over the choice of a chairman.
                         time, largely because Chairman Mustafa Sanalla  On August 29, he issued a letter declaring that
                         has been in his post since 2014, long before the  Sanalla had been suspended and was under
                         emergence of the GNU following the signing of  investigation.
                         a permanent cease-fire agreement last autumn.   Sources inside the ministry confirmed the
                           Sanalla has worked hard to remain neutral  existence of the letter to Reuters earlier this week.
                         throughout the civil war that came to a close   They said Oun had ordered the probe in
                         with the finalisation of the cease-fire deal, on  response to charges that the NOC head had not
                         the grounds that he had to ensure that that NOC  been abiding by Oil Ministry regulations, the
                         could continue to serve and generate funds for  news agency said.
                         the entire country, even at a time of domestic   As of press time, the NOC chairman had
                         conflict.                            not commented publicly on the matter. How-
                           Nevertheless, Oil Minister Mohamed Oun  ever, his company did issue a statement noting
                         has remained suspicious of him.      that Sanalla had attended a meeting with NOC
                           According to a report from Reuters, the quar-  executives and managers, as well as members of
                         rel gained momentum last week, when Oun  the board of directors, in Tripoli on August 29.
                         asserted that Sanalla was not authorised to act  Al-Awkali was among those in attendance, the
                         as the head of NOC while traveling abroad and  statement noted.
                         named Jadallah al-Awkali, a member of the state-  NOC did not reveal many details of the meet-
                         run company’s board of directors, as interim  ing, and it is not clear whether those present
                         chairman.                            discussed Oun’s bid to push Sanalla out of his
                           Sanalla responded by rejecting Oun’s deci-  position. Reuters commented that the oil min-
                         sion, saying that the minister had not been given  ister might not have an easy time ousting the
                         the legal authority to appoint a new leader for the  NOC head, as that cabinet department has not
                         national oil concern.                been explicitly authorised to fill the company’s
                           The NOC chairman’s stance is rooted in  top executive post.™

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