Page 13 - DMEA Week 35 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       the huge gas reserves of about 206 trillion   The global price of natural gas has also   maximum efficiency to support diversification
       standard cubic feet, stakeholders believe that   witnessed over 60 per cent increase, trading   efforts.
       domestication could reduce the price, spur   close to $4 per Million British Thermal Unit   “KNPC’s management was keen to
       investment opportunities, reduce burden on   (MMBtu) yesterday.          ensure the organisation embraced the
       foreign exchange, provide unemployment   The Petroleum Products Pricing   latest technology, enabling it to operate at
       and strengthen the development of the   Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) had earlier   maximum efficiency, with network visibility
       downstream sector.                  disclosed that the current consumption of gas   and agility to support changing market
         Faced with energy poverty, carbon   stands at about one million metric tonnes,   conditions and new commercial ventures,”
       intensive energy usage is damaging the   indicating that a five million consumption   Al-Khurayif added.
       environment and potentially changing the   target set for this year may wobble.  “In Kuwait’s oil and gas sector,
       climate in Nigeria while cities are becoming   The Minister of State for Petroleum   opportunities for new projects appear quickly
       unbearable due to outdoor pollution.   Resources, Timipre Sylvia had said that   and require sophisticated IT resources, with
       Although the NGEP offers a unique   funding initiative would push job creation   a rapid turnaround and the ability to develop
       opportunity in unlocking gas molecules as   from NGEP to the NGEP will create over   powerful, customised applications,” said Naji
       a favourable combination of solution to a   12 million direct and indirect jobs with   Al-Marri, Manager, Information Technology,
       mirage of issues in the country, deforestation   approximately 2million jobs annually and   KNPC.
       persist as people turn to biomass (firewood) in  human capacity development nationwide.  He added that KNPC is already involved
       search of cheaper energy option.    BLUEPRINT                            in several megaprojects, including a strategic
         Stakeholders had expressed concerns that                               project to expand and upgrade Mina Abdullah
       the number of women, who die in the country                              and Mina Al-Ahmadi refineries to be an
       yearly from biomass may double. Recall   COMPANIES                       integrated complex with a total capacity of
       that the African Refiners and Distribution                               800,000 bpd. Additional initiatives include a
       Association (ARDA) and other experts had   KNPC refines digital          sulphur handing project and a fifth gas train.
       warned of imminent danger if Africa fails to                               To support these ambitious plans,
       quickly adopt modern clean cooking energy   transformation               KNPC deployed its own private cloud in
       as over 600,000 Africans, especially Nigerians                           two datacentres in Kuwait, with a Software
       may die yearly due to household air pollution   Kuwait National Petroleum Company   Defined Datacentre (SDDC) approach, built
       like firewood and charcoal.         (KNPC) has taken its digital transformation to  on VMware solutions, virtualising compute,
         Similarly, over 14 per cent of primary forest  the next level with VMware.  storage, network and security layers for
       has already been lost between 2002 and 2020   “By embracing a cloud-first approach   maximum agility, in addition to reduced cost
       due to collection of wood for fuel.  with VMware, KNPC has boosted its agility,   and complexity. KNPC’s IT team is operating
         The high demand for fuel wood for   efficiency, and security to set in motion a new   both sites in Active-Active configuration,
       cooking and income increased the rate of   era of digital transformation,” said KNPC   allowing them to provide high resiliency and
       deforestation as the development pushes   spokesperson and Deputy CEO for Admin.   Service Level Agreements to the business
       Nigeria to the verge of environmental disaster,   & Commercial Affairs, Ahed Al-Khurayif.   units.
       especially desertification, loss of ecosystem,   “The company has already achieved more   “In line with KNPC’s goals to develop
       loss of biodiversity, land degradation, soil   than 95% datacentre virtualisation, reducing   into a truly smart organisation, our digital
       erosion, as well as economy risk.   its datacentre footprint by 70%, and realising   transformation partnership with VMware is
         Currently, a kilogram of cooking gas,   total cost savings of more than 50% over three   providing exactly the flexibility and scalability
       which traded for about N300 earlier this year   years, while enabling the rapid launch of   we need to innovate, boost efficiency, and
       now sell for over N500 across the country on   modern applications.”     adapt to ever changing market conditions,
       the backdrop of vulnerable economic indexes,   This agility means that KNPC will be able   including the completion of megaprojects,”
       especially the continuous weakness of the   to deliver new mega-projects in the country   said Ebrahim Alsharrah, Team Leader, End
       naira and the increasing price of natural and   and support the goals of Kuwait Vision 2035   User Support, KNPC. “This, in turn, is helping
       refined gas at the international market.  to further support economic growth.  contribute to Kuwait’s economic growth, job
         In May, naira was devalued from N379/$1   With Kuwait increasing productivity across   creation, and secure digital oil refineries.”
       to N410.25/$1. As of yesterday, naira was   sectors as part of its national Vision 2035, it   With cybersecurity a growing concern
       exchanging at N510/$1 on the parallel market,   is critical that the oil sector - the traditional   in the energy sector, VMware’s solutions,
       where most Nigerians purchase their foreign   mainstay of the economy for several decades   including NSX, has helped boost KNPC’s
       exchange.                           - also modernises, allowing it to achieve   security by providing intrinsic security

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