Page 15 - DMEA Week 35 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       the average price per barrel of petrol has   monthly average of N$14,52 recorded in July   Mediterranean and dangerously approaches
       dropped from US$85,72 to US$82,66, and   to N$14,74 recorded for August.  Cyprus’s northern coastline.
       from US$79,34 to US$75,51 for a barrel of   A depreciation causes increases in local   The oil spill at the Baniyas power plant in
       diesel.                             fuel prices. Andreas says for August, the fuel   Damascus, which is estimated to be 20,000
         Under normal circumstances, a decrease   review has shown an under-recovery of 101   tons of fuel, was first reported by Syrian
       in international barrel prices would result in a   cents on petrol, and 42 cents on diesel.  officials on August 23 and declared an
       reduction in local prices as well.     While the above decreases would have   (unspecified) accident.
         However, the ministry has increased prices   been entirely passed on to consumers,   Since then, the slick has been floating
       to ensure a balance between stimulating the   Andreas says considering the economic   across the Mediterranean Sea, until on
       local economy, as well as maintaining fuel   environment, only part of the under-recovery   Wednesday the winds seemed to direct it
       prices which best reflect the market.  was passed on, while the remainder was borne   towards Cyprus’s northeastern tip, an area
         August’s prices were kept unchanged in an   by the National Energy Fund.  that falls under jurisdiction of both the Greek
       attempt to revive economic activity, following   Andreas says despite this increase, Namibia  Cypriot government and the Turkish Republic
       Covid-19 restrictions that strained several   still has some of the lowest pump prices in   of Northern Cyprus, recognized by Ankara.
       aspects of the economy. In September, diesel   southern Africa.            Both countries have moved to try to
       will cost N$13,88 per litre, while a litre of   South African pump prices are at N$17,38   contain the spillage, with Turkey sending
       petrol will cost N$14,15. This is the first time   for petrol and N$17, 01 for diesel.  ships to harness and collect the fuel and
       fuel prices have soared this high. The only   NAMIBIAN                   Cyprus deploying an anti-pollution vessel
       time they came close to this was about two                               made available by the European Union.
       years ago. According to ministry spokesperson                              In a lucky turn of events, shifting winds on
       Simon Andreas, international oil prices have   TERMINALS & SHIPPING      Wednesday changed the direction the oil spill
       started falling amid an uncertain future due to                          was following and pushed it away from the
       the Covid-19 pandemic.              Turkish and Cypriot                  coast.
         Another factor weighing down prices is the                               “The weather conditions continue to be
       slowdown in the performance of the Chinese   authorities on alert over   in our favor,” said Cyprus’s Tourism and
       and American economies.                                                  Environment Undersecretary Serhan Aktunc.
         Since Namibia imports all of its fuel, the   Syrian oil spill          CGTN
       exchange rate between the United States
       (US) and Namibia dollars plays a role in   Authorities in Cyprus and Turkey are closely
       determining local oil prices.       monitoring the slick that originated from
         For August, the Namibia dollar marginally   an oil spill in a thermal station in Syria last
       depreciated against the US dollar from the   week, as the leaked fuel spreads across the

       Week 35   02•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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