Page 14 - DMEA Week 35 2021
P. 14
throughout the network. VMware Cloud produced in Lobito could become essential products of great interest, and for which
Foundation also helps boost KNPC’s security for the DRC and Zambia’s copper and there is a high demand both domestically
by automating the lifecycle management of all cobalt mining industries, which will also and internationally, using the raw materials
software components across the organisation’s benefit from the streamlined transportation produced by the refinery.
infrastructure, which means security updates provided by the Lobito Corridor railway. With The refinery is also a key part of plans to
occur automatically, as and when required. these mining industries already facing fuel export directly to the Zambian capital via the
Imad Sfeir, Country Director – Gulf shortages, access is sought to external sources Lobito-Lusaka oil products pipeline. In April
(Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen), in closer, safer and more cost-effective supply this year, Angola signed a memorandum
VMware, said: “As one of the most digitally markets. According to organisations within of understanding with Zambia to build the
advanced oil refineries in the world, KNPC the sector, around fifty per cent of these mines’ extensive infrastructure required, which is
is demonstrating what can be achieved operating costs are incurred from energy and expected to cost US$2 billion.
by embracing a cloud-first approach that transport operations - placing an excessive The Lobito refinery construction project
supports automation, big data, and smart burden on extractive company accounts. arose in 2007, having advanced on several
applications. KNPC is ideally placed to This need faced by the vibrant, growing fronts between 2009 and 2016. These advances
continue increasing its productivity and set mining sector, combined with the significant included preparing the land, the construction
a new benchmark for other companies in production capacity projected for the future of access roads and the dredging of Lobito
Kuwait and beyond to follow.” refinery (which will supply up to 50% of Bay, among other operations. On 9 July 2021,
ALBAWABA southern African markets), will directly the Government launched an international
impact movement along the Lobito Corridor. public tender for the construction of this long-
Consultant Mckinsey points out that the awaited infrastructure.
REFINING transportation of oil products to the DRC This advance only slightly precedes the
and Zambia via the Corridor’s railway link, launch of a tender for the concession of rail
Lobito refinery to reduce which is set to begin in the next few years, will freight transport along the Lobito Corridor,
not stop growing until 2040; an assessment
in a bid to revive operations along the railway,
regional mining costs made in what is considered to be a more with authorities dubbing the Lobito Corridor
and homonymous Refinery safe investment
conservative scenario. During this period,
The new Lobito Refinery seeks to invest in it is expected that the Lobito Corridor will opportunities given the potential of the
exporting fuel to neighbouring countries. be responsible for transporting 80% of the Congolese and Zambian mining industries
Located within the area covered by the Lobito fuel imported to the two countries, with the and the SADC market in general.
Corridor, the refined products produced by possibility of also benefiting other southern ISENTA
the plant will be directly accessible to the African countries in the region with access to
adjacent markets of the Democratic Republic the rail network.
of Congo and the Republic of Zambia, where The DRC and Zambia are part of FUELS
significant amounts of fuel are required Sonangol’s business expansion plans, as
to feed gigantic parks filled with diverse announced by the state oil company late last Namibian fuel prices to
machinery operating as part of the copper and year. The strategy involves supplying refined
cobalt mining industries. products, with the Lobito Refinery playing Increase for September
The Lobito refinery, the international a fundamental role as a producer and the
tender for which was launched in early July Corridor as a means of transportation for International oil prices have dropped, but the
this year, is already looking to export. Once liquid fuel cargo. Ministry of Mines and Energy has announced
completed, Lobito’s petroleum infrastructure Produce projected for the refinery will fuel prices will increase at midnight tomorrow.
will produce the fourth-largest volume on the include unleaded gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, The price of petrol will increase with 60
continent and have a daily processing capacity lamp oil, LPG, sulphur and coke. The Angolan cents per litre and diesel with 30 cents per
of 200,000 barrels of crude oil. government plans to build a petrochemical litre, because there was no increase in August.
Direct access to the refined products park in Lobito to develop downstream The ministry says its August review shows
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 35 02•September•2021