Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         Late last year, the NOC’s head, Octavio Romero   expectations and pushes production levels up to
                         Oropeza, announced that his company had   2mn bpd, or 14% higher than present levels, by
                         decided to go along with Lopez Obrador’s plan   December 2022, it said.
                         to phase out oil exports.
                           According to Romero Oropeza, Pemex is   More gas imports needed too
                         now on track to cut exports all the way down   But this isn’t the only instance in which Lopez
                         to zero by the end of next year. Sales to foreign   Obrador’s strategy of increased reliance on the
                         clients will drop to 435,000 barrels per day (bpd)   public sector is likely to have difficulty uphold-
                         in 2022, he said, and then sink to nothing by the   ing its promises of increased energy security and
                         end of 2023.                         independence.
                           This is a significant drop, considering that   As mentioned above, the president has made   AMLO’s strategy
                         Mexico has been exporting at least 1mn bpd of   extensive use of persuasion and administrative
                         crude for the last 40 years. However, the pro-  measures in his quest to secure extra advantages   of increased
                         cess is already underway. Sources familiar with   for state-run energy companies. However, he   reliance on the
                         the matter told Reuters earlier this month that   has made some attempts to change the laws too.
                         Pemex had already started cutting the volume   Since last October, for example, he has been   public sector
                         of crude delivered to Indian refiners, in line with   working to secure support in the legislature
                         its previously announced decision to reduce   for a proposed constitutional amendment that   is likely to
                         exports.                             would guarantee CFE a 54% share of the domes-
                           In theory, the NOC is taking this step so that   tic electricity market, eliminate the wholesale   have difficulty
                         it can send all domestically produced crude to   power market operator established in 2013 and   upholding its
                         its own refineries – to the six existing plants it   dismantle the Energy Regulatory Commission
                         has in Mexico, to the Deer Park plant in Texas   (CRE).                     promises of
                         that it acquired from Shell (UK) last month and   The measure is unlikely to pass, since Lopez
                         (eventually) to the 340,000 bpd Las Bocas plant   Obrador does not have enough support to  increased energy
                         it is building in Tabasco. In doing so, it hopes to   secure passage through the legislature (or, for
                         be able to boost utilisation rates at its six exist-  that matter, subsequent ratification by state leg-  security
                         ing plants, which have been running far below   islatures). If it were to succeed, however, CFE’s
                         capacity for year.                   increased share of the market would likely come
                           More broadly, it also hopes to increase fuel   at the expense of private investors, at least some
                         production, thereby making larger volumes of   of which would probably be looking to develop
                         petroleum products available to Mexican con-  alternative and renewable energy solutions.
                         sumers at lower prices. And ultimately, it hopes   At best, it might consist of the construc-
                         to be able to cover domestic fuel demand so as to   tion of a new natural gas-fired thermal power
                         make imports unnecessary.            plant (TPP). After all, CFE does burn gas for
                           However, Nymia Almeida, the senior   about 60% of its electricity production, Roxana
                         vice-president for corporate ratings at Moody’s   Munoz, a senior analyst at Moody’s office in
                         Investor Service, told Bloomberg in an inter-  Mexico City, told Forbes last week. This means,
                         view last week that she expected this initiative to   then, that CFE would have to import more gas,
                         backfire. Even if Pemex directs 100% of Mexican   probably from Texas, to use as feedstock if the
                         crude production to the refineries it owns and   proposed amendment passes – and as such it
                         controls, she said, it still won’t have the feed-  represents yet another risk facing Lopez Obra-
                         stock to produce enough fuel to cover domestic   dor’s state-driven energy policy.
                         demand.                                Even so, risks of this type are not likely to
                           This is in line with company documents pre-  deter the president from his course. Lopez Obra-
                         dicting that Pemex may need to start importing   dor’s commitment to keeping Pemex and CFE at
                         crude as early as next year, Bloomberg said. The   the forefront of Mexico’s energy policy is not just
                         news agency explained that it had seen company   driven by data and cost-benefit analyses; it also
                         materials speculating that operational changes   seems to be fuelled by his gut conviction that this
                         at the Cangrejera refinery might result in oil   strategy offers the most protection to Mexico’s
                         supply deficits of 47,000 bpd in 2023 and 97,000   poorest citizens. As such, it is likely to remain
                         bpd. The documents indicate that these short-  under discussion for the rest of his term, which
                         falls are expected to happen even if Pemex meets   is due to end in 2024, even if it founders. ™


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