Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                        COLOMBIA                                            LatAmOil

                                                   Colombia offered 53 exploration blocks to investors in 2021 (Image: ANH)

       Ecopetrol CEO says his company is ready

       to go to court to enforce its right to explore

                         FELIPE Bayon, the CEO of Colombia’s national   increases in domestic petroleum product prices,
                         oil company (NOC) Ecopetrol, has said that he   and it would almost certainly make Colombia
                         is ready to push back in the event that left-wing   more dependent on imported fuels, he said. It
                         presidential candidate Gustavo Petro wins the   would also deprive the government of the reve-
                         upcoming election and calls an immediate halt   nue stream that Ecopetrol has generated, and as
                         to new hydrocarbon exploration, in line with his   such it would have a significant impact on peo-
                         campaign promises.                   ple’s lives, he noted.
                           In an interview with Bloomberg, Bayon said   “Never mind the COP250 trillion [$63.28bn]
                         that Ecopetrol was not prepared to give up its   we’ve given the government in the last decade,”
                         right to explore its own licence areas, in line with   Bayon told Bloomberg. “Look at the people and
                         the terms of its own contracts. Even if the gov-  how they will be impacted in their daily lives.
                         ernment changes hands and Petro assumes the   That’s what people need to acknowledge.”
                         leadership, he said, the NOC has the option of   Colombia is scheduled to hold presiden-
                         pursuing the matter in court in order to protect   tial elections in May. Petro, a former mayor of
                         its own interests and legal prerogatives.  Bogotá who is a member of the Via Alterna
                           “Our contracts allow us to do exploration for   party, is now the top-polling candidate in the
                         the next 20 years if we want,” he told the news   presidential race. He has called for phasing out
                         agency. “So even if allegedly he can come in and   new oil development projects and has called for
                         change everything, there will be challenges in   the formation of a global coalition to fight cli-
                         the legal system – not only from us, but many   mate change.
                         people.”                               In an interview with Bloomberg last month,
                           He did not specify which other parties might   he said that if he won the election, he would
                         join Ecopetrol in challenging any move Petro   work to transform Colombia into a country with
                         might make to halt exploration at previously   a knowledge-based and tourism-fuelled econ-
                         untouched licence areas. However, he did stress   omy. This shift would involve calling an imme-
                         that the NOC was not taking this stance because   diate halt to all new oil exploration, he said.
                         it was insensitive to climate issues.  Colombia could continue to develop all
                           The oil and gas industry does need to pre-  of its existing oil and gas fields but would not
                         pare for a lower-carbon future in which demand   explore any new sites or bring any new acreage
                         for fossil fuels is significantly less, he declared.   on stream, he explained.
                         Even so, he commented, this shift ought to be   This would allow the country to make the
                         “orderly” in nature. Calling an abrupt halt to   transition away from fossil fuels over a period of
                         exploration could lead to sudden and dramatic   about 12 years, he stated. ™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2022
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