Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 26
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       A tale of two refineries

       Two Caribbean plants formerly owned by PdVSA are facing challenges

                         VENEZUELA’S national oil company (NOC)   a storage and transshipment facility.
                         PdVSA has lost or given up control over most   Even so, it has not escaped notice. Hovensa
       WHAT:             of its foreign downstream assets within the last   did eventually sell the facility and associated
       The Limetree Bay and Isla   decade. These losses are partly the result of the   infrastructure to two US-based entities, Free-
       refineries face obstacles   US government’s imposition of stricter sanc-  point Commodities and ArcLight Capital Part-
       as a result of recent   tions on Venezuela in early 2019, but in some   ners, in 2016.
       events.           cases they predate the sanctions regime.  Freepoint and ArcLight then set up a com-
                           In any event, some of the downstream facili-  pany called Limetree Bay Ventures to manage
       WHY:              ties that are no longer under PdVSA’s control are   these assets, saying they intended to resume
       Limetree Bay Ventures   having difficulty adjusting to their new opera-  operations at the refinery. When they secured a
       has revised its schedule   tors. This essay will examine the challenges fac-  financing deal and brought EIG Global Energy
       for work in USVI, and RdK   ing two oil-processing plants in the Caribbean   Fund and other new shareholders on board
       is looking for ways to use   region.                   in late 2018, they said they intended to bring
       the Isla plant’s storage                               200,000 bpd, or more than 57% of the plant’s
       capacities.       Limetree Bay Ventures                design capacity, back on stream in late 2019.
                         The first is the Limetree Bay refinery near St.   Later, they said they would have to wait until
       WHAT NEXT:        Croix in the US Virgin Islands (USVI).  early 2020 because metal corrosion and other
       Weak demand and labour   This 350,000 barrel per day (bpd) facility was   issues had slowed the pace of work and driven
       unrest could further   previously owned by Hovensa, a joint venture   the cost of repairs up by about $1bn.
       hamper the refineries.  set up by Hess (US), a US-based independent,   Despite the delay, they missed that deadline
                         and PdVSA. Hovensa shut the refinery down   because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                         in 2012 and then declared bankruptcy in 2015   demic and pushed the start date back to July 1.
                         before agreeing to sell it.          Last month, USVI officials said that the opening
                           Since then, the plant has mostly been used as   might have to be postponed again to October 1.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   25•June•2020
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