Page 10 - GLNG Week 05 2022
P. 10

GLNG                                            AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Sempra, CFE sign MoU on

       LNG, gas pipeline projects

        PROJECTS &       SEMPRA Infrastructure, a division of US-based  upholding Mexican President Andres Manuel
        COMPANIES        Sempra, has signed a memorandum of under-  Lopez Obrador’s pledge to ensure the state’s
                         standing  (MoU)  with  the  Federal  Energy  access to supplies of electric power and low-car-
                         Commission (CFE), Mexico’s national power  bon fuels, it stated.
                         provider, outlining plans for co-operation on   Meanwhile, Sempra reported that it was
                         several major projects.              restarting the Guaymas-El Oro pipeline after
                           In a statement, Sempra Infrastructure said  re-routing part of the link. The construction of a
                         that the non-binding MoU called for the two  bypass section will allow the company to uphold
                         sides to work together on two LNG projects  previous commitments to the Yaqui indigenous
                         – namely, the proposed construction of the  community while also supplying gas to com-
                         Vista Pacífico LNG gas liquefaction plant at  mercial, industrial and residential consumers on
                         Topolobampo, a port in Sinaloa State, and the  Mexico’s Pacific coast and to the Vista Pacífico
                         continued operation of the La Paz LNG regas-  LNG plant, as well as consumers in Baja Califor-
                         ification facility in Baja California Sur State.  nia Sur.
                         Additionally, it said, the document provides for   “Through these combined actions, CFE con-
                         the partners to collaborate in bringing the Guay-  tributes to strengthening the country’s energy
                         mas-El Oro pipeline, which pumps natural gas  security and reaffirms its commitment with the
                         from Sonora to Sinaloa, back on stream.  Mexican people, while Sempra Infrastructure
                           The parties will negotiate definitive agree-  agrees to continue to work to develop critical
                         ments on all three projects, it reported.  new energy infrastructure in Mexico,” the state-
                           Assuming that the LNG initiatives come to  ment said.
                         fruition, they will allow CFE to optimise natu-  It noted that the two companies had signed
                         ral gas supplies and pipeline capacity between  the MoU on January 31 at an event attended by
                         the Texas-Mexico border and Topolobampo,  CFE’s general director Manuel Bartlett Díaz and
                         the statement said. This, in turn, will facilitate  Sempra Infrastructure’s president for Mexico
                         gas deliveries to Baja California Sur, thereby  Tania Ortiz Mena.™


       Gastrade reaches FID on Alexandroupolis LNG

        INVESTMENT       GREECE’S Gastrade announced on January  November, the European Commission approved
                         28 that it had made a final investment decision  the purchase of interests in the LNG project by
                         (FID) on the Alexandroupolis LNG import  these companies, as well as by Greek business-
                         terminal.                            woman Asimina-Eleni Copelouzou, clearing
                           The floating LNG (FLNG) project, off the  these investments of competition concerns.
                         coast of Alexandroupolis, will have the capac-  In its statement, Gastrade noted that gas
                         ity to import up to 5.5bn cubic metres per year  from the project would be able to reach the
                         of gas. It will be Greece’s second LNG import  wider Southeastern European region, including
                         terminal.                            Romania, Serbia and North Macedonia, as well
                           The floating storage and regasification unit  as Moldova and Ukraine. The comments come
                         (FSRU) is anticipated to enter service by the  amid heightened fears over potential disruption
                         end of 2023 and around half of its regasifica-  of Russian gas supply to Europe amid escalating
                         tion capacity has already been contracted. The  tensions between Russia and Ukraine.
                         facility will be linked to the Greek gas trans-  Meanwhile, the Interconnector Greece Bul-
                         mission system via a 28-km pipeline. Once  garia (IGB) pipeline is also nearing start-up,
                         the gas reaches the system, it can be shipped  and is now due to enter service in July follow-
                         on to markets beyond Greece, including Bul-  ing delays during construction. The 3 bcm per
                         garia, which is a participant in Alexandroup-  year project will help increase the region’s gas
                         olis LNG through gas transmission operator  interconnectivity further still. It will allow Bul-
                         Bulgartransgaz.                      garia to import gas from Greek LNG terminals
                           Along with Bulgartransgaz, Cypriot LNG  and potentially also supplies delivered via the
                         carrier operator GasLog and Greek gas compa-  Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) from Azerbai-
                         nies DESFA and DEPA Commercial are also par-  jan, helping Sofia to reduce its dependence on
                         ticipants in the Alexandroupolis project. In late  Russian gas.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   04•February•2022
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