Page 6 - GLNG Week 25 2021
P. 6

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Gazprom reportedly

       withholds gas supplies to

       drive up European prices

       Gazprom is reported to be intentionally withholding gas supplies

       to drive up prices in Europe, potentially in a bid to make sure the
       Nord Stream 2 pipeline is brought online

        PROJECTS &       RUSSIA’S Gazprom is exacerbating shortages on   This marks a key shift in strategy for the Rus-
        COMPANIES        the European natural gas market by withholding  sian giant, which has traditionally focused in
                         extra supplies, the Financial Times reported on  expanding its market share at all costs rather
       WHAT:             June 24.                             than maximising revenues. Its new policy mir-
       Gazprom is intentionally   Europe’s gas market has grown unusually bull-  rors that of Russia and its OPEC+ partners, who
       withholding gas supplies   ish in recent months, with spot prices recently  have reined in oil supply over the past year to
       to drive up prices in   surging to $360 per 1,000 cubic metres, which  push up prices.
       Europe, according to the   is unusually high, especially for summer, when   Naturally, Gazprom alone is not responsible
       Financial Times.  there is little need for heating. In fact, the recent  for the bullish conditions that have appeared
                         heatwave has driven up electricity demand for  on the European gas market. Besides the cold
       WHY:              cooling purposes. Prices were already unusually  winter and hot summer, demand has been bol-
       The strategy makes   high at the end of winter, after several months  stered by the rising cost of EU carbon allow-
       commercial sense,   of cold temperatures and restricted LNG sup-  ances, which have grown to €50 ($60) per tonne,
       although some industry   ply. They are now at their highest point since  encouraging utilities to switch from coal to
       participants have   2008, weighing down on the post-coronavirus  cleaner gas-burning power generation.
       suggested that Gazprom   (COVID-19) economic recovery.  The gas market is also tight in Asia, where
       is putting pressure on the   But while Gazprom has plenty of spare pro-  LNG spot prices are traditionally at a premium
       EU to let Nord Stream 2   duction capacity to meet soaring demand in  to those found elsewhere. This has encouraged
       go ahead.         Europe, its pipeline exports to the continent  LNG exporters to divert more shipments away
                         have instead dropped by roughly one fifth in  from Europe and towards Asia.  The gas market
       WHAT NEXT:        2021 versus the pre-pandemic level, according   The spike in gas prices is obviously bad news
       While the Biden   to the FT. Gazprom is abiding by its contractual  for European economies, undermining the   is also tight in
       administration appears to   obligations, energy executives and analysts told  post-pandemic recovery. And the shortages   Asia, where LNG
       have eased its position on   the newspaper, but it is reluctant to increase  may also jeopardise energy security during the
       Nord Stream 2, multiple   volumes further through spot market sales. The  next winter.       spot prices are
       obstacles could yet derail   company could simply be acting out of business   Gas prices are typically higher in winter and
       the controversial pipeline   sense. Why send more gas if doing so will push  lower in summer, giving companies an incentive  traditionally at a
       project.          prices down and result in fewer earnings?  to store more volumes during the hotter months
                           “Gazprom is just trying to maximise its profits  of the year. But this year is anything but typical,   premium to those
                         at a time when spot prices are high, gas storage is  owing to the continuing impact of the coronavi-  found elsewhere.
                         empty and LNG demand in Asia is strong,” one  rus. With companies having no reason to with-
                         executive at a German energy company told the  hold gas from the market and place it in storage,
                         FT. They’re just being opportunistic.”  European storage utilisation is at an unusually
                           Gazprom has denied having such an agenda,  low level.
                         issuing a statement saying it “supplies gas pre-  Worse still, prices could climb further in the
                         cisely in line with consumers’ requests.”  coming months as Gazprom closes some of its
                           “It is based on those very requests as well as  export pipelines for scheduled maintenance in
                         the possibilities for portfolio capacity optimi-  June and July. TurkStream is already offline for
                         sation that the company books transportation  repairs, and will not return to operation until
                         capacity in particular directions,” Gazprom  June 29. Meanwhile, Nord Stream 1 is due to halt
                         said.                                shipments between July 13 and 25.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   25•June•2021
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