Page 10 - GLNG Week 25 2021
P. 10

GLNG                                              AFRICA                                               GLNG

       Karmol vessel arrives offshore Senegal

       to launch LNG-to-power project

        PROJECTS &       KARMOL, a 50:50 joint venture between Kar-  MW, or almost 94% of the total, under a contract
        COMPANIES        powership (Turkey) and Mitsui OSK Lines  with Senegal’s national power provider Senelec.
                         (Japan), has completed the delivery of a marine  Its output accounts for 15% of all electricity con-
                         LNG import terminal to Senegal.      sumed in the West African country.
                           The terminal, which is the first floating   According to ALP, the Dutch marine ser-
                         storage and regasification unit (FSRU) built  vices company that towed the LNGT Powership
                         by Karmol, reached its destination near Dakar  Africa from Singapore to Senegal, the FSRU will
                         last week. It is now in position to implement an  be able to start work quickly, since it is already
                         LNG-to-power plan that will supplement Sene-  carrying some LNG. Once the pipeline link is
                         gal’s generating capacity and facilitate a shift to  operational, it will be able to deliver gas to the
                         cleaner-burning fuels.               Karadeniz Powership Ayşegül Sultan, which has
                           The plan calls for the FSRU, known as the  been using heavy fuel oil to generate electric-
                         LNGT Powership Africa, to establish a pipeline  ity. Subsequently, it is due to take delivery of its
                         connection to the Karadeniz Powership Ayşegül  first shipment of LNG from an affiliate of Royal
                         Sultan, a vessel owned by Karpowership that pro-  Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands) in July.
                         vides Senegal with extra generating capacity. The   The FSRU is 272 metres long and has a storage
                         FSRU will receive shipments of LNG, regasify the  capacity of 125,470 cubic metres. It was built for
                         LNG and then pipe the resulting volumes of gas  the Turkish-Japanese joint venture by Sembcorp
                         to the Karadeniz Powership Ayşegül Sultan. In  Marine (Singapore) under a contract that pro-
                         turn, the latter vessel will use the gas to generate  vides for the construction of three such vessels.
                         electricity for consumption in Senegal.  Sembcorp has already started work on the sec-
                           The Karadeniz Powership Ayşegül Sultan has  ond FSRU, which will eventually be deployed
                         a capacity of 235 MW and is currently using 220  offshore Mozambique.™


       Petrobras rejects the only bid

       received for Bahia LNG lease

        PROJECTS &       BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-
        COMPANIES        bras revealed earlier this week that it had dis-
                         qualified US-based Excelerate Energy from
                         proceeding with its bid for the right to lease an
                         underutilised LNG import terminal in Bahia
                           In a statement, Petrobras explained that it had
                         reviewed Excelerate’s offer on June 14, the same
                         day that it opened all the commercial proposals
                         received from the firms participating in the ten-
                         der. The review revealed that the US-based firm’s
                         offer for Bahia LNG was conditional upon the  Since the US-based company had previously
                         adoption of new terms governing the termina-  signed a declaration expressing its acceptance
                         tion of the project, it said.        of the terms of the tender as stated, from the
                           The inclusion of this condition served to  outset and with no changes, its bid violated that
                         derail Excelerate’s proposal, the statement said.  pledge, it explained. Petrobras gave Excelerate

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