Page 14 - GLNG Week 25 2021
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GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       nearly thirty years of legal experience in the   closures will be up to 56” in diameter, weigh   system. The equipment is scheduled for
       global energy industry having responsibility   up to 8 tons each and will be rated to a   delivery to the yard during the first half of
       for oversight of all legal, corporate   pressure of 1,480 psi.           2022.
       governance, compliance, litigation, regulatory,   The Cherry Point Refinery is the first and   WÄRTSILÄ, June 23, 2021
       and outside counsel management. She   only refinery in the Pacific Northwest capable
       was previously a partner in Mayer Brown’s   of manufacturing diesel fuel from biomass-
       Houston office and a member of the firm’s   based feedstocks alongside conventional   MIDDLE EAST
       Oil & Gas industry group. Ms. de Gyarfas   feedstocks to produce ultra-low-sulphur diesel
       has extensive LNG industry experience,   unit, according to news sources. The refinery   Turkey’s first publicly
       including having represented Anadarko as   sits on 3,300 acres and currently processes
       operator of the Area 1 Block and developer of   about 230,000 barrels of crude oil each day   owned LNG floating storage
       an LNG project in Mozambique, structuring   from the Alaska North Slope, which makes it
       and negotiating investments agreements,   the largest refinery in the state of Washington   regasification vessel set for
       commercial contracts, LNG Sale and Purchase   and the third-largest refinery on the West
       Agreements, and other activities in support   Coast.                     inauguration
       of LNG project developers, buyers, and   SYPRIS TECHNOLOGIES, June 21, 2021
       investors. Ms. de Gyarfas is US Regional                                 Turkey’s first publicly-owned LNG floating
       Director for the Association of International                            storage regasification unit (FSRU) vessel, the
       Petroleum Negotiators and Vice Chair of the   EUROPE                     Ertugrul Gazi, will be inaugurated on June 25
       International Committee of the Institute for                             by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
       Energy Law.                         Wärtsilä receives further              Energy and Natural Resources Minister
         Ms. de Gyarfas is replacing Ms. Krysta                                 Fatih Dönmez said on June 23 at the Yeni Akit
       De Lima, who will be leaving the company   orders for its LNG cargo      Daily Energy and Mining Council in Ankara
       effective July 7, 2021, to pursue other interests.                       that the Ertugrul Gazi would be the first FSRU
       NEXTDECADE, June 21, 2021           handling system                      ship to fly the Turkish flag.
                                                                                  The vessel is owned by Turkey’s state-
       Sypris wins awards from             The technology group Wärtsilä has received   owned crude oil and natural gas trading and
                                           two more orders for its complete LNG cargo
                                                                                pipelines company, Botas.
       two high-pressure energy            handling and fuel system. The contract has   Hatay province, meeting one-year of
                                                                                  It will connect with facilities in southern
                                           been awarded by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard,
       projects                            the yard building two LNG bunkering   household energy demand for Hatay and
                                           vessels for which the Wärtsilä systems will be
                                                                                Osmaniye provinces, with a natural gas
       Sypris Technologies, a subsidiary of Sypris   required. The 18,000 cbm capacity ships have   storage capacity of 110mn cubic metres,
       Solutions, announced today that it has   been ordered by Korea based owners Pan   according to Hurriyet Daily News.
       recently received orders for specialty high-  Ocean and Korea Line LNG. The order with   At the event, Donmez, according to local
       pressure closures for use in two large projects,   Wärtsilä was placed in May.  media reports, also spoke of Turkey’s efforts
       the Golden Pass LNG Export project and   With LNG being increasingly used as an   to add more renewables and local energy
       the Cherry Point Refinery Renewable Diesel   environmentally sustainable fuel for the global   resources to its energy mix through public
       Optimization project. Shipments under these   fleet, there is a growing need for specialised   and private sector cooperation along with
       awards are expected to be completed during   LNG bunkering vessels. Wärtsilä has extensive   collaboration with universities.
       2021. Terms of the orders were not disclosed.  experience and deep know-how in designing   “We managed to break several records
         The $10bn Golden Pass LNG Export   and delivering advanced cargo handling   in renewable energy in 2021 when 96.8% of
       project will add natural gas liquefaction and   systems for such vessels.  installed capacity that came online in the first
       export capabilities to an existing terminal   “We see an increasing adoption of LNG   five months of the year came from renewable
       in Sabine Pass, Texas, according to the web   as fuel, and we are very pleased to have been   resources,” he said.
       site. The new facility will utilise the existing   selected for this project, which allows us to   By the end of May, renewables made up
       state-of-the-art tanks, berths and pipeline   continue our role in developing the LNG   52.6% of Turkey’s total installed capacity and
       infrastructure. In addition, new facilities for   infrastructure throughout all regions. Our   local resources constituted 64.2%, while 56%
       natural gas pre-treatment and liquefaction will  unrivalled experience and market leading   of electricity production came from local
       also be constructed. The project is expected to   position in the small-scale LNG segment   resources, the minister added.
       be operational in 2024.             and LNG bunkering designs was a key factor   “The share of wind energy in total installed
         The project will have an estimated send out   in securing these new orders,” explained   capacity reached 9.9% and Turkey is getting
       capacity of 16mn tons of liquefied natural gas   Harald Øverland, Sales Manager, Wärtsilä Gas   closer to 10,000 megawatts of installed
       per year, which is equivalent to approximately   Solutions.              capacity in wind step by step,” Donmez said.
       two billion standard cubic feet of natural gas   The complete Wärtsilä solution selected for   In May, Turkey broke its monthly solar
       per day. The Tube Turns® D-bolt closure has   these orders includes the system engineering   energy record. The country produced 1,468
       been chosen for filtration systems protecting   and design, the boil-off gas (BOG)   gigawatt-hours of solar power, equivalent to a
       three new compressor stations included in   management control with an integrated   5.8% share of overall power production.
       the Golden Pass LNG Export project. These   fuel supply system, and the custody transfer

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   25•June•2021
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