Page 13 - GLNG Week 25 2021
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AMERICAS investment initiative to be considered by GasLog Partners announces
Symbio Infrastructure prioritising decarbonisation and accelerating new charter agreement
Governments around the world are
taps Siemens Energy as the energy transition to combat global climate with Cheniere
change. Symbio and Siemens Energy are
technology provider for aligned in their environmental stewardship GasLog Partners today announced a new
time charter agreement for the Methane
and commitments to develop innovative
world’s first carbon neutral infrastructure that helps meet these goals. Heather Sally with a wholly owned subsidiary
In addition, Siemens Energy and Symbio
of Cheniere Energy. The charter began last
LNG liquefaction facility and envision the alliance aligning with the week and has a minimum duration one year.
principles included in the March 2021 Energy
Cheniere have the option, until late August,
natural gas transmission Partnership between Germany and Canada to to extend the charter for an additional one or
two years.
advance their respective net-zero aspirations.
line project Symbio Infrastructure said: “From Symbio’s cubic metre steam turbine LNG carrier built
Jim Illich, founder, and president of
The Methane Heather Sally is a 145,000
Symbio Infrastructure and Siemens Energy inception, our fundamental vision has in 2007, which previously operated in the spot
announced today that they have entered into been to meet the world’s growing energy market.
an agreement whereby Siemens Energy will demand by building electrified, carbon- Paul Wogan, chief executive officer of
provide engineering services, comprehensive neutral infrastructure that will set new global GasLog Partners, stated: “The signing of this
lifecycle equipment and technology solutions, benchmarks for the energy transition. We are charter agreement deepens our relationship
and further carbon emission footprint excited to collaborate with Siemens Energy, with one of the world’s leading LNG
reduction solutions for Symbio’s subsidiary who not only share our vision and ambitions, producers and is the Partnership’s third new
GNL Quebec’s carbon-neutral Énergie but whose innovative technologies and multi-month charter agreement in recent
Saguenay liquefied natural gas (LNG) project capabilities will further advance and refine weeks. The execution of this charter on
in Quebec, as well as Symbio’s subsidiary Symbio’s innovative projects.” attractive terms further improves our revenue
Gazoduq’s carbon-neutral natural gas Tim Holt, member of the executive board and cash flow visibility and bolsters our
transmission line project between Ontario of Siemens Energy, said: “We’re proud to deleveraging strategy for 2021.”
and Quebec. support Symbio’s carbon-neutral Canadian GASLOG PARTNERS, June 21, 2021
Énergie Saguenay’s 10.5 mtpa LNG export LNG project powered by hydroelectricity,
facility will be powered by nearby renewable and Canada’s first carbon-neutral natural NextDecade announces
hydroelectricity and is expected to set a global gas transmission line, while also integrating
standard for carbon-neutral LNG production. cutting-edge Siemens Energy solutions and executive officer
Fed by Gazoduq’s carbon-neutral natural gas technology to realise one of the world’s lowest
transmission line, Énergie Saguenay plans to carbon intensity LNG value chains. Siemens appointments
operate the lowest carbon-intensity LNG plant Energy is also looking forward to furthering
in the world. our development of a carbon-free hydrogen NextDecade today announced that the board
Under the agreement, Siemens Energy economy by collaborating with Symbio and of directors has appointed Mr. Ivan Van der
will provide its portfolio of greener solutions advancing Germany’s collaboration with Walt as Chief Operating Officer effective July
for rotating equipment, electrical, and digital Canada.” 1, 2021, and Ms. Vera de Gyarfas as General
infrastructure. Furthermore, the Parties will SYMBIO INFRASTRUCTURE AND SIEMENS Counsel and Corporate Secretary effective
work together to explore green hydrogen ENERGY, June 22, 2021 July 12, 2021.
development opportunities as a new potential Mr. Van der Walt will continue to be
responsible for all project management,
engineering, construction, commissioning,
and operations of the Company’s LNG and
carbon capture projects. Mr. Van der Walt
joined NextDecade in July 2018 serving
as Senior Vice President, Engineering and
Construction. Mr. Van der Walt has nearly
thirty years of experience in the global
energy industry, including senior roles with
Chicago Bridge & Iron (now McDermott) and
Chevron. He also previously served as chief
executive of the Australasian division of the
KNM Group. He has management experience
on multiple LNG projects including Darwin
LNG, Woodside LNG Train 5, Pluto LNG,
Gorgon LNG (as well as the associated carbon
capture and storage project), and Cameron
Ms. de Gyarfas joins NextDecade with
Week 25 25•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13