Page 13 - MEOG Week 41
P. 13

MEOG                                             POLICY                                               MEOG

       France warns Turkey as vessel

       returns to Greek waters

        TURKEY           FRANCE said on October 12 that Turkey should  give Turkey another chance, until December, to
                         refrain from new provocations and show good  change its approach to the dispute.
                         faith after Ankara announced that it was send-  “Turkey has proven it lacks credibility. All
                         ing a hydrocarbons exploration seismic research  those who believed Turkey meant all it said
                         vessel back into eastern Mediterranean waters  before the European summit of October 1-2 now
                         claimed by Greece.                   stand corrected,” Greek government spokesman
                           “We expect Turkey to meet its commitments,  Stelios Petsas said.
                         abstain from new provocations and show con-  Defence Minister Hulusi Akar claimed that
                         crete evidence of good faith,” French Foreign  Ankara’s planned operations were within its
                         Ministry spokeswoman Agnes von der Muhll  continental shelf. “They [Greece] are doing
                         said.                                everything to escalate tensions,” Akar said. “The
                           The announcement of the plans of the vessel,  Navy will provide the necessary escort and pro-
                         the Oruc Reis, prompted Greece to issue a furi-  tection to our vessels as needed.”
                         ous new demand for European Union sanctions   In a phone call on October 12, Turkish Pres-
                         on Turkey. Greece’s foreign ministry described  ident Tayyip Erdogan told European Council
                         the new voyage as a “major escalation” and a  President Charles Michel that progress was
                         “direct threat to peace in the region”. Turkey in  required to improve ties between Ankara and
                         return accused Athens of fuelling tensions.  the bloc. “President Erdogan, who stated that
                           The Oruc Reis intends to carry out work  Greece was continuing steps to escalate tensions
                         south of the Greek island of Kastellorizo, close to  in the eastern Mediterranean despite Turkey’s
                         Turkey’s coast. Ankara had withdrawn the vessel  well-intentioned approach, said he expected
                         from contested waters in the eastern Mediterra-  concrete steps from the EU to realise an Eastern
                         nean last month to “allow for diplomacy” before  Mediterranean conference [on issues including
                         an EU summit. At that summit, Cyprus sought  the maritime rights] proposed by Turkey,” the
                         sanctions against Turkey, but the EU opted to  Turkish presidency said in a statement.™

       Tehran to decommission

       polluting oil plants

        IRAN             AN electricity company official in Tehran has  said: “Despite the low efficiency of three old
                         announced plans to decommission old polluting  power plants of Tehran, they should operate in
                         power plants as part of energy-efficiencies drives  the summer due to the high electricity consump-
                         across the country, ILNA reported on October  tion, and to prevent the possible blackouts dur-
                         11. Much of the electricity and power infrastruc-  ing the peak period, but now we plan to replace
                         ture in Iran dates back to before the 1979 revolu-  these power plants.”
                         tion, where previous to ejected from the country   The first power station in the capital ear-
                         large American companies like General Electric  marked for closure is Rey, which authorities say
                         helped create the industry in conjunction with  needs to be shut down in December this year, as
                         the former Pahlavi monarchy.         the city continues to suffer from temperature-in-
                           Since then the Islamic Republic has contin-  duced heavy pollution or the “inversion effect”,
                         ued to operate much of that infrastructure had to  of which Rey power plant contributes a signifi-
                         fabricate parts locally as US sanctions have made  cant portion sitting within the boundaries of the
                         it impossible to continue import replacement  capital.
                         equipment and parts.                   He also announced that at the first step, the
                           According to the Thermal Power Plants  replacement operation of Tarasht power plant
                         Holding Company (TPPH), the programme to  will be conducted soon.
                         decommission the old power stations of Arasht,   Removing the three plants will take up to
                         Rey, and Be’sat are now earmarked for shutting  three years the official added and 60 megawatts
                         down over the next few years.        (Mw) of power will be removed from the power
                           TPPH Managing Director Mohsen Tarztalab  grid when they shut down.™

       Week 41   14•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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