Page 16 - MEOG Week 41
P. 16

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              to simply reactivate the pact as is, even if   UAE says OPEC+ plans to
                                           Democratic challenger Joe Biden wins the
       Iran nuclear deal hangs on          November 3 vote. Biden, vice president in the   ease oil cuts from Jan as
                                           Obama administration when the agreement
       an election - and it’s not in       was reached, has indicated he would seek to   agreed
                                           revive it.
       America                             have clung to the accord, holding out for a   The energy minister from the United Arab
                                             European nations, China, and Russia
                                                                                Emirates (UAE) said on Tuesday that OPEC+
       While the world looks to next month’s US   change of heart or leadership in the US And   oil producers will stick to their plans to taper
       election for clues on the future of the standoff   Iran is hedging its bets. Iranian moderates   oil production cuts from January.
       with Iran, candidates are preparing for   aren’t being entirely cast out because many,   OPEC+ - producers from the Organization
       another vote that may prove just as pivotal.  like Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad   of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
         Next June, Iranians will also elect a new   Zarif, have technical skills and diplomatic   (OPEC) and others including Russia - have
       president, as the era of Hassan Rouhani, who   experience that’ll be needed should talks   been reducing output since January 2017 in a
       staked his career on clinching the historic   resume.                    bid to balance the market, support prices and
       nuclear deal with world powers in 2015,   “It’s likely that we will see hardline factions   reduce inventories. They are currently curbing
       comes to an end, his legacy upended by   competing for the position and for them,   production by 7.7 million barrels per day,
       hardliners in the US and at home.   victory for Donald Trump is an opportunity   down from 9.7 million bpd. “It will be reduced
         As always, presidential hopefuls will be   because it gives them an opportunity to   again at the end of this year as we walk to
       vetted by the powerful Guardian Council,   consolidate power,” Sanam Vakil, deputy   2021,” Suhail al-Mazrouei told the Energy
       whose members are appointed by Supreme   director of the Middle East North Africa   Intelligence Forum. “We believe that this is
       Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. But the field   Program said. “If Biden wins, the system   the calculated volume to cater for the demand
       is set to be dominated by military men and   is faced with a choice, you need someone   coming back.” OPEC+ is due to taper their
       stalwart conservatives whose influence has   who brings relief and gets a deal. You need   production cuts by 2 million bpd in January.
       surged since 2018, when President Donald   someone who has relationships and knows the   Mazrouei said he was more optimistic
       Trump abandoned the nuclear accord   terrain.”                           about oil demand recovery than the
       Rouhani had pledged would be a ticket to   BLOOMBERG                     International Energy Agency, which on
       international acceptance and economic                                    Tuesday said that a slow global economy
       prosperity.                                                              recovery from the pandemic could push a full
         Though Iran has rolled back compliance   OIL                           rebound in energy demand out to 2025.
       to key commitments in the deal, resuming                                   He said there have been signs of a recovery
       enrichment beyond the agreed limits as   Aramco CEO says ‘the worst      in oil demand as countries lift COVID-19
       Trump reinstated and tightened sanctions, it                             restrictions, noting China was back to almost
       has not officially repudiated the agreement   is behind us’ for oil      90% to its pre-pandemic levels.
       and has indicated its violations could be                                REUTERS
       phased out if penalties are lifted. Tighter US   Saudi Aramco Chief Executive Amin Nasser
       sanctions have caused Iran’s oil exports to   said on Tuesday that “the worst is definitely   Iraq, Jordan and Egypt
       plummet. Crude production has halved since   behind us” for the oil market, as global oil
       mid-2018 to less than 2 million barrels a day.  demand is recovering and is currently at 90   in talks on reviving oil
         A hardliner will have little incentive to   million barrels per day.
       formally abandon an accord that could   Nasser said oil demand in China is almost   pipeline project
       yet present a lifeline for Iran’s devastated   back to its pre COVID-19 levels.
       economy, but may not return to the table   REUTERS                       Jordan, Egypt and oil-exporting Iraq have
       on the same terms as before or be willing                                discussed reviving an oil pipeline project that

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   14•October•2020
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