Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 6

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       1.5°C goal remains elusive

       Acasta Risk shares views on the results achieved by November’s COP26 conference in Glasgow

                         THE outcome of COP26 is mixed, which is   emitters such as Russia, China, and India did
                         inevitable for a conference that seeks to cater   not join the pledge, although China agreed to
       WHAT:             to the wishes and expectations of almost 200   discuss mitigation of methane with the US in the
       The outcome of the   countries.                        first half of 2022.
       COP26 conference has   Our view is an optimistic one, as it has
       been mixed.       become clear that net zero is our common global   Deforestation
                         goal on climate action covering some eighty-  Deforestation gained centre stage in the first
       WHY:              nine percent of global GDP. Furthermore,   week with 141 countries committing “to halt
       Catering to the wishes   during the course of the two weeks, strong and   and reverse forest loss and land degradation by
       and expectations of   substantial financial commitments have been   2030” covering some 91% of forests globally.
       nearly 200 countries is a   made to facilitate the transition.  Importantly, key countries such as Brazil
       difficult task.
                                                              and Indonesia signed the agreement. However,
       WHAT NEXT:        Glasgow Climate Pact                 Indonesia’s environment minister has since
       Strong and substantial fi-  The outcome of COP26, the Glasgow Climate   criticised the terms of the agreement, calling
       nancial commitments are   Pact, is remarkably the first UN climate decision   them “inappropriate and unfair”. Despite this,
       being made to facilitate   that includes an explicit mention of fossil fuels,   the declaration is supported by private funding,
       the energy transition.  calling for an accelerated “phase-down” of una-  with the CEOs of more than 30 financial institu-
                         bated coal-fired power generation and phase-  tions announcing their intention to divest from
                         out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.  activities within their portfolios associated with
                           Previous drafts of the agreement called for a   deforestation.
                         phase-out of unabated coal-fired power genera-
                         tion. However, a late intervention, purportedly   Phasing down fossil fuels
                         from India and China, weakened the language   Whilst for many there was disappointment at
                         of the text.                         the last-minute change of phrase from phasing
                           The agreement makes progress on adapta-  “out” to “down” in the final pact, prior to the
                         tion finance, urging developed countries to at   conference the UK announced 190 countries
                         least double the amount of climate finance going   and organisations committing to phase out
                         specifically to adaptation by 2025 based on 2019   coal, including Poland, Vietnam, Egypt, Chile
                         levels. Nevertheless, the text acknowledges with   and Morocco.
                         “deep regret” that the goal of providing $100bn   During the conference, the formation of
                         a year to developing countries for mitigation   the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) was
                         measures has not been met.           announced, a coalition of national and sub
                           In terms of nationally determined contri-  national governments which aims to “set an end
                         butions (NDCs), as they stand current pledges   date for their oil and gas exploration and extrac-
                         are insufficient to limit warming to 1.5 °C. As   tion and curtail new licensing”. At formation
                         a result, the pact requests that countries “revisit   there are 11 members, including Costa Rica,
                         and strengthen” their 2030 targets by the end of   Denmark, France, Greenland, Ireland, Quebec,
                         2022, similar to the ratchet mechanism built into   Sweden and Wales as core members, with Cal-
                         the Paris agreement, although it remains to be   ifornia, New Zealand and Portugal as associate
                         seen if countries will meet this expectation, as   members.
                         some forty countries did not update their NDCs   Crucially, Nicola Sturgeon confirmed Scot-
                         before COP26.                        land was in talks with BOGA to join at some
                            Outside the final text, there were a number   level, a critically important development given
                         of important announcements.          the prominence of the oil & gas sector in the
                                                              Scottish independence referendum debate, and
                         Methane                              the raging arguments that continue over the fate
                         The Global Methane Pledge was signed by over   of the Cambo field development in water West
                         one hundred countries responsible for close to   of Shetland.
                         half of global anthropogenic methane emis-  Furthermore, over 30 countries and finan-
                         sions, leaving aside valid concerns over how this   cial institutions committed to halt financing
                         will be implemented and enforced, as it does not   unabated fossil fuel development overseas by
                         indicate what level of reductions countries will   the end of 2022, albeit with significant caveats,
                         commit individually. In fact, the initiative aims   as they recognise that there will be limitations
                         to reduce global methane emissions by at least   regarding alignment with 1.5 degrees of warm-
                         thirty percent from 2020 levels by 2030.  ing. It remains to be seen how this will be put
                           Disappointingly, several major methane   into practice.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   02•December•2021
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