Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 48 2021
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LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
The Liza Destiny FPSO is currently extracting 120,000 bpd of oil (Image: ExxonMobil)
As such, he added, the EPA ought to draw up a oil at a design rate of 100,000 barrels of oil per
new EIA. day [bpd], with potential to safely operate at
Parsram rejected these statements and noted sustained peaks of up to approximately 120,000
that the existing EIA’s determination of risk had [bpd]. For the purposes of this EIA, potential
been based on the assumption that average pro- impacts generated by the project will be based
duction rates would be higher than 100,000 bpd on the highest potential oil production volume,
over the 20-year life of the Stabroek project. “It which is conservatively based on 144,000 [bpd].”
is not dangerous at all,” he said. “We considered Liza-1 is the first oilfield to come online in
it based on the EIA, and the safeguards are in Guyana’s offshore zone. It began production in
the permit.” December 2019 and had to suspend operations
Additionally, he dismissed Adams’ call for several times in 2020 because of problems with
a new assessment. “All this talk of a fresh EIA the Liza Destiny’s flash gas compressor (FGC).
being done since production has been ramped To date, ExxonMobil and its partners have
up beyond 120,000 barrels is not necessary,” he found more than 20 fields containing more
remarked. than 10bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe) at the
Kaieteur News, for its part, quoted the Stabroek block. The other partners in the pro-
EIA as saying: “The FPSO will be designed to ject are the US independent company Hess and
receive the full production wellstream from state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp.
the development wells and will process crude (CNOOC).
Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas talks up
prospects for new find at Orinduik
UK-BASED Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas has of drilling wells that target stacked or multiple
expressed optimism about the prospects for a target sections, and they have sufficient funding
major discovery at the Orinduik block offshore for their drilling plans, it added.
Guyana, noting that the eastern section of the The British company did not identify any of
licence area is very close to several fields within the drilling sites under consideration. However,
the neighbouring Stabroek block. it did stress that the eastern section of Orinduik
Eco, a minority shareholder in the Orinduik had the advantage of proximity to Liza, the first
consortium, said last week in a report on its oilfield to come on stream at Stabroek. “Eco
performance in the first nine months of 2021 continues to firmly believe that Orinduik offers
that it was working with its partners to update significant upside, with the eastern section of the
the inventory of drilling targets and to choose block closer to the established Liza oil trend than
exploration drilling sites. any other block offshore Guyana,” it said.
The consortium hopes to make a final selec- Eco also pointed out that it had already made
tion and begin preparations for drilling in the two oil discoveries within high-quality sand-
near future, it stated. The partners are capable stone reservoirs at Orinduik.
Week 48 02•December•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9