Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 46
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canada forecast to see 2021

       drilling rebound after 2020 lows

       The Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors expects that 2020 will be

       the worst year on record for drilling in the country, but the group forecasts a slight

       rebound in 2021

        CANADA           CANADA’S  oil and gas industry has been  WTI, at around $32 per barrel. In 2014, 13,089
                         battered by this year’s downturn and the com-  wells were drilled in Canada.
       WHAT:             bination of global oversupply and depressed   The CAODC also predicted improvements
       Canada is projected to   demand owing to the coronavirus (COVID-19)  in other markers of Canadian industry activity.
       see a rebound in drilling   pandemic. But there are hopes that things will  The group expects operating days in 2021 to rise
       in 2021 after this year   improve, even as the industry continues to face  to 33,938 from a forecast 29,664 in 2020, and
       is set to be the worst on   some of the challenges that have contributed to  anticipates the number of industry jobs climb-
       record.           making 2020 a particularly bad year for Cana-  ing by 2,349 year on year to 18,550. However, it
                         dian oil and gas.                    has projected that the rig fleet will decrease to
       WHY:                                                   478 rigs next year, from 505 in 2020 – though
       The CAODC is hoping that   Slow recovery               given how aggressively the industry continues
       an effective COVID-19   This week, the Canadian Association of Oilwell  to pursue efficiency gains, production can rise
       vaccine will mitigate   Drilling Contractors (CAODC) released its 2021  while rig counts fall.
       against the impact of the   drilling forecast. The group said that while 2020   The CAODC cited progress in areas includ-
       virus on demand.  was the worst year on record for the Canadian  ing pipeline infrastructure as being behind its
                         industry, it expected to see an improvement in  expectations of rising activity next year. This
       WHAT NEXT:        2021.                                was, it said, despite new uncertainty over the
       Other forecasts are   The CAODC projects that 3,296 wells will  fate of the cross-border Keystone XL pipeline
       more pessimistic, with   be drilled this year, down from 5,545 in 2019,  in the wake of Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in
       the Petroleum Services   and has forecast that this figure will rise to 3,771  the US presidential election, because other pro-
       Association of Canada   wells in 2021. Even with the increase, however,  jects continued to advance. The CAODC cited
       projecting a further   the 2021 figure would represent a 71% decline  progress on the Trans Mountain expansion,
       decline in well numbers   from 2014 – the year oil prices started dropping  Coastal GasLink and Nova Gas Transmission
       next year.        from around $100 per barrel. They have stayed  Ltd (NGTL) expansion projects.
                         low since, with Brent hovering at around $44   “These developments, combined with upward
                         per barrel today, while West Texas Intermediate  pricing forecasts for natural gas, the recovery in
                         (WTI) is closer to $41.50 per barrel and Western  oil prices from 2020 lows, and the gradual intro-
                         Canadian Select (WCS) trading at a discount to  duction of the federal government’s CAD1.7bn

       Week 46   19•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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