Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 46
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The CAODC sees
                                                                                                  progress on pipeline
                                                                                                  projects as helping to
                                                                                                  boost activity next year.

                         ($1.3bn) grant for well reclamation, suggest  Canada’s oil and gas wells.
                         2021 activity should modestly improve from the   Nonetheless, there is still uncertainty over
                         2020 collapse,” the CAODC said in a November  whether conditions will now begin to improve
                         18 statement.                        or whether it is possible that things will worsen
                           The group added, however, that if these pro-  further still. COVID-19 cases are anticipated to
                         jections play out, 2021 would still be the sec-  rise during the Northern Hemisphere’s winter,
                         ond-worst year in the Canadian oil and gas  and while mass global lockdowns like those seen
                         industry’s modern history, as various challenges  in March and April are unlikely, with localised
                         linger even if the pandemic is beaten back.  measures a more appealing option to govern-
                           “The market volatility and uncertainty will  ments juggling public health and economic
                         persist, and several factors hang in the balance,”  concerns, further restrictions could still dent
                         says the CAODC’s president and CEO, Mark  demand.
                         Scholz. “The prospects for an effective COVID-  Meanwhile, oil prices rose recently on posi-
                         19 vaccine are promising, but the impact of the  tive news from trials of vaccines that could soon
                         pandemic on energy demand in 2021 and access  be available, but these still require approval and
                         to capital for our members and their customers  vaccination programmes will take time to roll   The CAODC’s
                         remain a challenge.”                 out. On top of this, questions remain over how
                           Scholz added that it was “critical” that OPEC  lasting immunity from the vaccines will be.  forecast paints
                         and its allies in the OPEC+ group maintain   Despite this, though, the fact that the world   a bleak but
                         supply discipline during this period of demand  is figuring out ways to combat the virus bodes
                         shocks. But while it is in the OPEC+ coun-  well for future demand – and even if there are   cautiously
                         tries’ own interests to do so, this cannot be  future outbreaks, they will likely be easier to
                         guaranteed.                          bring under control.                  hopeful picture
                                                               Canada will be hoping that these develop-
                         Optimism, pessimism                  ments bode well for demand for its oil. However,   of 2021 as a
                         The CAODC’s forecast paints a bleak but cau-  even if the world manages to beat COVID-19   potential starting
                         tiously hopeful picture of 2021 as a potential  and new Canadian pipeline projects are com-
                         starting point for a recovery. Not all in the indus-  pleted, oil demand faces a growing threat from   point for a
                         try share this limited optimism, however. In late  the energy transition. More and more countries
                         October, the Petroleum Services Association of  are setting long-term net-zero emissions tar-  recovery.
                         Canada (PSAC) released its own oilfield activ-  gets, including giant energy consumers such as
                         ity forecast for 2021, which projected that 2,600  China. Given that Canada’s oil sands producers
                         wells would be drilled next year, down 8.8% y/y  had been targeting Asia as a potential market
                         from an anticipated 50-year low of 2,850 wells  for its output – which serves as rationale behind
                         this year.                           the Trans Mountain expansion project in par-
                           It is worth noting, however, that the two  ticular – this long-term decarbonisation effort
                         organisations use different methods to count  complicates the picture.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   19•November•2020
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