Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 46
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Ovintiv reportedly puts Eagle

       Ford assets up for sale

        TEXAS            DENVER-BASED Ovintiv – which was for-  process is reported to be in its early stages for
                         merly based in Calgary and known as Encana  Ovintiv, buyers have been emerging for various
                         – has reportedly put its assets in the Eagle Ford  shale assets in recent weeks and months, suggest-
                         shale up for sale. The story was reported by Reu-  ing that there could be interest.
                         ters, which cited several people familiar with the   At the end of 2019, the company held 517
                         matter.                              producing wells in the Eagle Ford with total
                           Ovintiv entered the Eagle Ford in 2014  oil output of 25,300 barrels per day (bpd). This
                         through a $3.1bn acquisition from Freeport  would have subsequently been reduced as shale
                         McMoRan. In line with the devaluation of  drillers dramatically scaled back output earlier
                         oil and gas assets in the subsequent years, it is  this year – and Ovintiv has cut its 2020 capi-
       Ovintiv entered the   likely to sell the properties for considerably less.  tal expenditure budget by $900mn compared
       Eagle Ford in 2014   Indeed, Reuters cited one of the sources as saying  with its original guidance. However, it recently
       through a $3.1bn   the assets could fetch $600-700mn.  reported that it had brought six new net wells
       acquisition from    Nonetheless, a sale could help the company  online in the Eagle Ford in the third quarter of
       Freeport McMoRan.  pay down some of its debt, which stood at $7.1bn  the year.
                         at the end of September. This aligns with com-  The company did not provide third-quar-
                         ments made by Ovintiv’s president and CEO,  ter production figures for the Eagle Ford
                         Doug Suttles, on the company’s third-quar-  alone, saying overall output from all its assets
                         ter earnings call about debt reduction being a  totalled 510,200 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         priority.                            (boepd), with oil accounting for 138,900 bpd of
                           Ovintiv is one of a number of shale players  this. Ovintiv does not consider the Eagle Ford
                         turning to asset sales in order to raise cash amid  to be a core asset – with those consisting of its
                         an industry slump exacerbated by the corona-  Permian Basin, Anadarko Basin and Montney
                         virus (COVID-19) pandemic. And while the  play operations.™


       US Gulf lease sale fetches

       over $120mn in high bids

        GULF OF MEXICO   THE US Bureau of Ocean Energy Manage-  oil prices, the sale generated more interest than
                         ment (BOEM) announced on November 18  expected. The figure for total high bids marked
                         that Lease Sale 256 in the Gulf of Mexico gen-  an increase from $93mn in the previous lease
                         erated $120.8mn in high bids for 93 tracts cov-  sale, which was held in March.
                         ering 517,733 acres (2,095 square km) in federal   The apparent high bid of the sale was almost
                         waters. A total of 23 companies participated in  $12mn, made jointly by Norway’s Equinor and
                         the lease sale, according to the agency, submit-  Spain’s Repsol for an ultra-deepwater block
                         ting a combined $135.5mn in total bids.  in the Walker Ridge area, at water depths
                           The lease sale included 14,862 unleased  of more than 5,250 feet (1,600 metres). The
                         blocks located between 3 miles (4.8 km) and 231  second-highest apparent bid came from BP,
                         miles (372 km) offshore, spanning the Gulf’s  at $7mn offered for a block in the deepwater
                         Western, Central and Eastern planning areas.  Green Canyon area offshore Louisiana. BP was
                         The blocks were located in water depths ranging  also the apparent winner of several blocks in
                         from 9 feet (2.7 metres) to more than 11,115 feet  Mississippi Canyon.
                         (3,388 metres).                        The BOEM will take around 90 days to eval-
                           The sale had originally been scheduled for  uate all bids and ensure that they are fair market
                         August, but was delayed in order to allow for  value prior to confirming them.
                         additional time for oil and gas market analysis   Also this week, the BOEM proposed offering
                         given the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,  roughly 78.2mn acres (316,464 square km) in
                         according to the BOEM. And despite the chal-  the next Gulf lease sale, which is scheduled for
                         lenges posed by the pandemic and its impact on  March 2021.™

       Week 46   19•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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