Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 46
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       MIDSTREAM                           complete with total capital expenditure   to cope with the negative conditions affecting
                                           forecast to be within the previously   the US refining sector. We are very thankful
       Western Midstream                   communicated guidance of US$12.8 billion.  our Lake Charles employees made it through
                                                                                the hurricanes safely, and thanks to their
                                              “This milestone safely brings our Lake
       releases inaugural ESG              Charles Chemicals Project to a close and sets   hard work the refinery is now back up and
                                           the stage for the next step in the evolution of
       report                              our chemicals business,” said Sasol president   environment, the company remains focused
                                                                                  In this extremely challenging margin
                                           and chief executive officer Fleetwood
       Today Western Midstream Partners    Grobler. “The completion of this unit and   on optimising operations to improve gross
       announced the release of its inaugural   its impending transition to our joint venture   margin, reducing costs where possible and
       Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)   with LyondellBasell will accelerate our   deferring discretionary capital to manage
       Report.                             transformation to a more specialty chemicals-  liquidity.
         “Western Midstream’s first ESG report   focused company with a strong presence of   CITGO PETROLEUM, November 13, 2020
       exemplifies our employees’ dedication to   base chemicals in our portfolio.”
       cultivating a culture of strong corporate   Sasol’s LDPE unit uses ExxonMobil
       responsibility while safely and responsibly   technology and has a nameplate capacity of   SERVICES
       managing our daily operations,” said   420,000 tons per year (420 ktpa). LDPE is
       President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief   used to manufacture plastic bags, shrink wrap   McDermott secures
       Financial Officer, Michael Ure. “We’re proud   and stretch film, coatings for paper cups and
       of the progress we’ve made in reducing our   cartons, container lids, squeezable bottles, and   $560mn in new capital to
       environmental footprint and contributing   other applications. The beneficial operation
       positively to our local communities,   of the final LCCP unit signals that 100%   fund future growth
       workforce, and other stakeholders. Now, as   of total nameplate capacity of the LCCP is
       we transition to a stand-alone midstream   operational.                  McDermott International today announced
       business, it’s imperative that we introduce   The LDPE unit is one of the three   that it has secured approximately $560mn in
       stakeholders to our approach to ESG issues   LCCP plants that will form part of the   new capital through a series of transactions
       and our successes to date.”         Sasol/LyondellBasell Louisiana Integrated   expected to close by the end of the year.
         As detailed in the report, Western   Polyethylene joint venture.       McDermott has secured commitments from
       Midstream’s ESG strategy focuses on three   SASOL, November 16, 2020     certain existing lenders and shareholders for
       pillars: supporting sustainable environments,                            these transactions, as well as approval from
       focusing on people, and operating responsibly.   Citgo reports third-quarter   a steering committee comprised of certain
       Ure continued, “These pillars are rooted in                              existing letter of credit and term loan lenders.
       our operating philosophy as demonstrated by   2020 results               The transactions are designed to further
       our direct-to-wellhead pipeline infrastructure                           strengthen the company’s balance sheet,
       and design of our facilities, which significantly   The company’s third quarter results were   increase liquidity and fund future growth
       reduces release risks, eliminates storage   driven by the economic effects of the   opportunities.
       equipment at the well-site, and reduces   COVID-19 pandemic, which affected the   “The support of the investors and the
       emissions. Additionally, we play an important   refining industry as a whole, and were further   steering committee reflects their confidence
       role in delivering natural gas, a lower-  affected by an eight-week shutdown at the   in our long-term business strategy and
       emission bridge fuel that will assist in the   Lake Charles, La. refinery due to Hurricanes   competitive position,” said David Dickson,
       global transition to cleaner energy sources.   Laura and Delta. As a result of these factors,   president and chief executive officer of
       We look forward to strengthening our ESG   Citgo Petroleum reported a net loss of   McDermott. “Following on the heels of a
       performance and reporting as we further   $248mn for the third quarter of 2020 along   successful restructuring earlier this year, this
       enhance the achievements accomplished to   with Ebitda of $(212)mn and adjusted Ebitda   additional capital will further solidify our
       date.”                              of $(183)mn.                         liquidity position, enabling us to continue
       WESTERN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, November   Operations at the Lake Charles refinery   to deliver superior project execution for
       19, 2020                            were safely shutdown in advance of Hurricane   our customers and consistently pursue new
                                           Laura, and the refinery experienced no   growth opportunities as demand for our
                                           safety issues or hydrocarbon releases arising   expertise and capabilities increases.”
       DOWNSTREAM                          from the direct impact of the storm. When   McDermott has received a commitment
                                           Hurricane Delta struck six weeks later, shortly   from the investors with respect to a new letter
       Sasol announces beneficial          after the repaired refinery had restarted,   of credit facility that will replace its existing
                                           the facility was secured, shutdown and
                                                                                cash secured letter of credit facility, permitting
       operation of Louisiana low-         again experienced no safety or hydrocarbon   the release of cash collateral of approximately
                                                                                $390 million.
                                           releases. Post-Hurricane Delta start-up was
       density polyethylene (LDPE)         successfully completed in late October.  $170mn in gross proceeds from the issuance
                                                                                  Additionally, McDermott will raise
                                              “The ongoing impact of COVID-19 and
       unit                                a category four hurricane made the third   of common shares to certain of its existing
                                           quarter particularly difficult,” said president
                                                                                shareholders that has been backstopped by
       Sasol today announced our LDPE unit   and CEO Carlos Jordá. “We were able to   the Investors. The transactions are expected to
       reached beneficial operation on 15 November   quickly adjust our operations throughout our   close by year end.
       2020. The LDPE unit is the seventh and   system while Lake Charles was offline, and   MCDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL, November 18,
       final Lake Charles Chemicals Complex unit   at the same time continued to adjust cash   2020
       to come online. The LCCP is now 100%   spending and aggressively manage expenses

       Week 46   19•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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