Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 46
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Gulfport files for bankruptcy protection

        US               SHALE gas producer Gulfport Energy has filed  into new hedging arrangements in accordance
                         for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, join-  with an agreement with certain lenders.
                         ing the growing list of bankruptcies that have   The company said the court had authorised it
                         resulted from this year’s industry downturn.  to borrow up to $90mn in debtor-in-possession
                         The company had already been struggling with  (DIP) financing. This is expected to help support
                         reduced revenue from low natural gas prices,  ongoing operations, which the company is plan-
                         high interest payments on its unsecured debt  ning to continue as normal during the restruc-
                         and burdensome midstream contracts for  turing process.
                         months prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19)   Gulfport said it intends to use the bankruptcy
                         pandemic, so the bankruptcy filing comes as no  proceedings to strengthen its balance sheet,
                         surprise.                            restructure certain debt obligations, “signifi-
                           Gulfport said in a November 14 statement  cantly” reduce its midstream cost structure and
                         that it had entered into a restructuring support  develop a “more sustainable” capital structure.
                         agreement under which it anticipated eliminat-  Separately, media reported that the company
                         ing roughly $1.25bn in funded debt, as well as  wants the court to reject its firm gas transporta-
                         “significantly” reducing future annual cash inter-  tion agreements with Rockies Express Pipeline,
                         est expense. As of September 30, Gulfport had  Rover Pipeline and several units of TC Energy.
                         total debt of about $2.5bn, according to its filing  Such a move would result in significant cost
                         with the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern  reductions for debtors. Gulfport told the court
                         District of Texas.                   that rejecting the Rockies Express and Rover
                           In a November 17 update, Gulfport said the  agreements would save the debtors $18mn per
                         court had granted approval of all of the compa-  year in net costs, or around $222mn over the
                         ny’s “first day” motions. Among other things,  remaining term of the deals. It also said commit-
                         these authorise Gulfport to continue paying roy-  ments with TC Energy have put the debtors on
                         alties, employee wages and benefits and certain  the hook for $700mn in aggregate gross costs for
                         vendors and suppliers. They also allow it to enter  the remaining terms of those agreements.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Tellurian reportedly in supply

       talks with Asian buyers

        US-ASIA          US-BASED Tellurian is reportedly in talks with  customers interested in buying 12mn tonnes
                         unidentified Asian buyers to sell almost half of its  per year of output from Driftwood. The facil-
                         output from its proposed Driftwood LNG termi-  ity would produce 27.6mn tpy in total if it goes
                         nal on the Gulf Coast.               ahead.
                           This comes after the planned Driftwood   According to Souki, the deals would be final-
                         facility was dealt a blow this year when previous  ised during the first half of 2021, with construc-
                         talks with India’s Petronet LNG failed to result  tion on the terminal beginning in the middle of
                         in a supply and investment deal amid the global  the year. He also said Tellurian would no longer
                         downturn in LNG demand and prices. A mem-  employ MoUs as a precursor to more in-depth
                         orandum of understanding (MoU) between the  talks, after the failure of the company’s MoU with
                         two companies expired in July, and while it was  Petronet to lead to a firm deal.
                         subsequently renewed, comments from Petr-  For now, France’s Total remains Driftwood’s
                         onet’s director of finance, Vinod Kumar Mishra,  only customer.
                         indicate that the Indian firm is not likely to move   Separately, it has emerged that Tellurian com-
                         forward with a deal at this time.    pleted its first ever LNG cargo trade in the third
                           “I want to clarify again that this is a  quarter of this year. A report the company filed
                         non-binding agreement, and there is no  with the US Securities and Exchange Commis-
                         obligation on either of the parties to do any-  sion (SEC) showed that Tellurian’s marketing
                         thing. This is just an agreement to explore the  arm bought the cargo in July and subsequently
                         possibilities of any deal, which so far has not  sold it to an unrelated third party, earning around
                         emerged,” he said.                   $7mn in the transaction. Further details were not
                           In the meantime, Tellurian is also turning  provided, apart from the fact that the trade was
                         its attention to other would-be buyers. Last  made under a master agreement reached in April
                         week, Tellurian’s chairman, Charif Souki, told  2019 in an effort to earn revenue and prepare for
                         Bloomberg that his company had other potential  more future trading activity.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   19•November•2020
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