Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 46
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                                Natural Resources Canada is currently   Cenovus owning or controlling, directly or
                                           accepting applications for the INRP.  indirectly, greater than 20% of the issued and
       Government of Canada                NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA, November 13,   outstanding common shares on completion
                                                                                of the transaction. Headwater has now
       extends funding to increase                                              received written consents from Headwater
                                                                                shareholders holding in excess of 60% of
       indigenous participation in         UPSTREAM                             the issued and outstanding common shares
                                                                                indicating that such shareholders consent to,
       oil and gas infrastructure          Headwater Exploration                and approve, the transaction, including the
                                                                                issuance of the common shares and warrants
       development                         announces receipt of                 to Cenovus. As a result, Headwater will not
                                                                                be required to hold the special meeting of
       The informed and meaningful participation   shareholder written          its shareholders that it intended to hold on
       of indigenous peoples in oil and gas projects                            December 21, 2020.
       provides important economic opportunities   consent for transaction      HEADWATER EXPLORATION, November 18,
       for their communities.                                                   2020
         Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources,   with Cenovus Energy
       the Honourable Seamus O’Regan, today                                     Rising Phoenix Royalties
       announced up to CAD12mn in funding over   Headwater Exploration announces it has
       two years for the Indigenous Natural Resource   received written consents from shareholders   announces Monroe County
       Partnerships (INRP) program for Indigenous   holding a majority of the issued and
       communities and organisations in British   outstanding common shares of Headwater   – Utica shale, natural gas
       Columbia and Alberta to further increase   approving the Company’s previously
       their participation in economic opportunities   announced transaction with Cenovus Energy.   royalty acquisition
       related to oil and gas infrastructure   Pursuant to the Transaction, Headwater will
       development.                        acquire 100% of Cenovus’ assets in the Marten  Rising Phoenix Royalties (RPR) announces
         This announcement builds on the success   Hills area of Alberta.       a 100% natural gas royalty acquisition in the
       of the 2019-20 Indigenous Natural Resource   Headwater will issue 50mn common   Utica shale, Monroe County, OH, from an
       Partnerships programme by extending it to   shares and 15mn warrants to purchase   undisclosed seller. This acquisition is RPR’s
       support projects that enhance the capacity   common shares exercisable at CAD2.00 per   third 2020 Appalachian Basin transaction.
       of Indigenous communities to capitalise on   Common Share with a three-year term to   “Given the Utica’s production potential
       business opportunities, facilitate access for   Cenovus as a portion of the consideration   due to significant proven recoverable reserves,
       Indigenous communities and organisations   for the acquisition of the assets under the   this acquisition is anticipated to generate
       to resources, and support community and   Transaction. As a result, on closing of the   stable cash flow for many years,” notes Janie
       regional engagement related to oil and gas   transaction Cenovus will own or control,   Widman, Vice President of Rising Phoenix
       infrastructure projects.            directly or indirectly, approximately 26%   Royalties. “From a royalty owner’s perspective,
         The response to the initial programme   of the issued and outstanding common   asset divestitures like this one often makes
       was a success: 35 groups received funding   shares (assuming no warrants are exercised)   sense to settle estates or optimise investment
       for projects ranging from CAD15,000 to   and approximately 31% of the issued and   portfolios. Our goal is to provide owners with
       CAD1.35mn, supporting a range of initiatives   outstanding common shares (assuming all   thoughtful guidance on what makes the best
       responsive to community priorities, including   warrants are fully exercised).  financial sense for their unique divestiture.”
       the development of business plans and   In accordance with the policies of the   RPR helps mineral royalty owners with
       feasibility studies, training opportunities that   Toronto Stock Exchange (the TSX), the   solutions in selling their mineral assets to
       facilitated employment, forums on regional   approval of Headwater shareholders is   achieve financial goals, including but not
       interests, and other resources and supports   required for the transaction as it will result   limited to estate liquidation, investment
       that enhanced Indigenous participation in oil   in the issuance of greater than 25% of the   portfolio diversification, funding retirement,
       and gas infrastructure development.  issued and outstanding common shares and   maximising tax benefits, purchasing real
                                                                                estate, and immediate financial need.
                                                                                  Montage Resources, well site operator of
                                                                                the producing royalty interest acquired by
                                                                                RPR, operates over 325 producing horizontal
                                                                                wells on 195,000 + net effective undeveloped
                                                                                core acres in the Appalachian region. Its
                                                                                current focus is on development of the
                                                                                Marcellus and Utica shales.
                                                                                  Montage Resources and Southwestern
                                                                                Energy announced earlier this year,
                                                                                a definitive merger agreement where
                                                                                Southwestern Energy will acquire Montage
                                                                                RISING PHOENIX ROYALTIES, November 17,

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   19•November•2020
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