Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 46
P. 17

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       PTT delays FID on Ohio cracker

       but reiterates commitment

        OHIO             A US subsidiary of Thailand’s PTT has report-  PTTGCA is proposing to build an ethane
                         edly delayed a final investment decision (FID) on  cracker in Ohio’s Belmont County, using ethane
                         a proposed petrochemical project in Ohio. Thai  feedstock from the Appalachian Basin. Under
                         media reported last week, citing PTT’s CEO,  current plans, the facility would produce 1.5mn
                         Auttapol Rerkpiboon, that the company was  tonnes per year (tpy) of ethylene if it is built – a
                         reviewing the project, with the process expected  process which is expected to take 4-6 years.
                         to take until the middle of 2021 at the earliest.  This is not the only such project in the US
                           This comes in the wake of several develop-  Northeast – Royal Dutch Shell is building an
                         ments in 2020, including, most recently, Joe Bid-  ethane cracker in Western Pennsylvania. But
                         en’s victory in the US presidential election, which  Shell is further ahead in the process, while pro-
                         may lead to changes in investment conditions.  jects that have reached FID are facing a more
                           Other developments contributing to a review  uncertain future.
                         of the project are the coronavirus (COVID-19)   A PTTGCA spokesman, Dan Williamson,
                         pandemic, the resulting downturn in demand  told the Pittsburgh Business Times this week that
                         and the withdrawal of former joint venture part-  had it not been for the pandemic, an FID would
                         ner Daelim Industrial. PTT Global Chemical  have been taken already. He added, however, that
                         America (PTTGCA) already pushed the FID  the project would be a top priority for the com-
                         on the project back from 2020 to 2021 in June in  pany if it goes ahead, and that it had not been put
                         response to the market downturn.     on hold at any point.
                           However, on November 18, PTT stated that   Analysts estimate the ethane cracker’s cost
                         it was still working to move the project forward.  at $5.7bn.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Enbridge Gas unveils hydrogen

       blending pilot project

        ONTARIO          ENBRIDGE  Gas, a subsidiary of Canada’s   According to the statement, Enbridge Gas
                         Enbridge, announced this week that it is partner-  will initially provide a maximum hydrogen
                         ing with Cummins on a CAD5.2mn ($4.0mn)  blended content of up to 2% of the natural gas.
                         pilot project to blend renewable hydrogen into a  The blend will be supplied to customers in the
                         portion of the natural gas network in Markham,  third quarter of 2021, abating up to 117 tonnes
                         Ontario.                             of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.
                           According to a November 18 statement, the   “This power-to-gas project will demonstrate
                         project is the first of its kind in North America  the potential of renewable hydrogen produced
                         and will involve hydrogen produced at a pow-  by electrolysers to reduce carbon in the natural
                         er-to-gas facility in Markham. In 2021, this  gas system,” commented Cummins’ vice-presi-
                         hydrogen will be blended into a portion of the  dent of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies, Amy
                         gas network serving around 3,600 customers in  Adams.
                         the city.                              Cummins is involved in the design, man-
                           If the project is successful, Enbridge Gas will  ufacture, distribution and servicing of what it
                         pursue other – and larger – hydrogen-blend-  describes as a broad power portfolio.
                         ing initiatives in other parts of its distribution   Enbridge Gas, for its part, was formed in
                         system.                              2019 from the amalgamation of Union Gas and
                           The blending project is aimed at lowering  Enbridge Gas Distribution. It is Ontario’s largest
                         greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and comes as  natural gas storage, transmission and distribu-
                         hydrogen is increasingly being seen as a key part  tion company. The company is involved in other
                         of the energy transition. Enbridge Gas and Cum-  low-carbon initiatives in Ontario, including
                         mins will execute the scheme with the support  renewable natural gas (RNG) produced from
                         of Sustainable Development Technology Canada  organic waste, which can also help displace tra-
                         (STDC).                              ditional natural gas and reduce emissions.™

       Week 46   19•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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