Page 6 - MEOG Week 11 2022
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Iran to build its hybrid

       tanker, launches LNG tender

        IRAN             THE National Iranian Tanker Co. (NITC) has  LNG tender
                         ordered the construction of an Aframax-type  In anticipation that the nuclear deal will be
                         tanker from a local manufacturer, Shana news  renewed, Iran has announced tenders for gas
                         agency reports citing NITC CEO Hossein Shiva.  liquefaction projects, according to Shana.
                           An Aframax vessel is an oil tanker with a   State-owned National Iranian Oil Co.
                         deadweight between 80,000 and 120,000 metric  (NIOC) announced that it is accepting bids for
                         tonnes. The term is based on the Average Freight  the construction of small LNG terminals until
                         Rate Assessment (AFRA), a tanker rate system  April without specifying the size, location or
                         created in 1954 by Shell Oil to standardise ship-  construction time needed for the projects.
                         ping contract terms                    Iran has three large, incomplete LNG pro-
                           “The Iranian Shipbuilding and Marine  jects, South Pars LNG with a capacity of 10mn
                         Industrial Complex (ISOICO) in Bandar Abbas  tonnes per year with Total, Persian LNG with a
                         received an order for the construction of an Afra-  capacity of 16.2mn tonnes with Shell and Iran
                         max-type tanker. The contract will be signed in  LNG with a capacity of 10.8mn tonnes.
                         the near future,” he was quoted as saying.  Most of the work on the latest project was
                           Shiva noted that the capacity of the new vessel  completed, but the resumption of US sanctions
                         will be 113,000 tonnes, it will be the first domes-  in 2018 meant that the German Linde was una-
                         tic hybrid vessel for Iran, which will be fuelled  ble to deliver equipment to Iran.
                         by LNG and fuel oil with a low sulphur content.  As noted by Argus, in 2019 the country
                           The head of NITC added that the tanker will  produced 244bn cubic meters of gas, but with
                         be built according to the modern standards of  high consumption, only 20bn cubic metres was
                         the International Maritime Organization (IMO).  exported, which went to Turkey and Iraq.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   16•March•2022
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