Page 9 - MEOG Week 11 2022
P. 9
Schlumberger wins
Aramco gas drilling work
SAUDI ARABIA US services specialist Schlumberger announced gas fields – three conventional and two uncon-
this week that it has been awarded a gas drilling ventional – in the centre of the country, the
contract in Saudi Arabia by state-backed Saudi south-eastern Rub’ Al-Khali (Empty Quarter),
Aramco. near the border with Iraq, and in the oil and gas-
In a press release, Schlumberger said the inte- rich Eastern Province.
grated project scope “encompasses drilling rigs The Shadoon gas field was discovered around
and technologies and services, including drill 180 km south-east of Riyadh, with Prince Abdu-
bits, measurement while drilling (MWD) and laziz saying that the discovery had a flow rate
logging while drilling (LWD), drilling fluids, of 27mn cubic feet (0.765mn cubic metres) per
cementing and completing wells”. day of gas and 3,300 barrels per day (bpd) of
It noted that it would use digital solutions to condensate.
enhance drilling performance including, its pro- The Shehab and Shorfa fields were both
prietary DrillOps adaptive drilling automation found in the Rub’ Al-Khali, 70 km and 120 km
system. south-west of the giant Shaybah oilfield respec-
Tarek Rizk, the company’s MENA president, tively. Shehab had a flow rate of 31 mmcf (0.878
said: “Through our committed teams, differenti- mcm) per day of gas, while Shorfa flowed at 16.9
ated technology, and integrated drilling and well mmcf (0.489 mcm) per day of gas and 50 bpd of
construction services we will work closely with condensate.
Saudi Aramco on well delivery and set a new per- The unconventional Umm Khansir field was
formance benchmark.” discovered 71 km south-east of the city of Arar in
The award follows the late February the Northern Borders Province, between Sakaka
announcement by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) and the Iraqi border. It flowed at a rate of 2 mmcf
that Aramco had discovered new gas fields in (57,000 cubic metres) per day of gas and 295 bpd
four regions of the Kingdom, boosting the size of condensate.
of its conventional and unconventional gas Another unconventional discovery, Samna,
reserves. was made south of the Ghawar oilfield in the
On February 27, Energy Minister Prince Eastern Province. Samna flowed at a combined
Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud was quoted as rate of 26.7 mmcf (0.756 mcm) per day of gas and
saying that Aramco had discovered five new 193 bpd of condensate from three wells.
Saudi Arabian gas fields
Source: Aramco
Week 11 16•March•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P9