Page 8 - AsiaElec Week 12 2023
P. 8

AsiaElec                                        NUCLEAR                                              AsiaElec

       Taiwan blackouts loom as

       another NPP goes offline

       Political games threatens reliable power supply to 23 million


                           TAIWAN took a significant step closer to  government agencies are based.
                         going fully non-nuclear last week when Unit 2   “Taipower has made long-term plans in
                         of the nation’s Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant in  terms of power supply development and
                         the north of the country, not far from Taipei, was  power grid construction. In terms of power
                         reported as having been safely shut down.  supply development, we are actively promot-
                           Decommissioning will follow as the ruling  ing gas-fired power generation units that
                         government of outgoing President Tsai Ing-  halve carbon emissions,” a Taipower spokes-
                         wen rushes to implement promises made eight  person said.
                         years ago to make the island country wholly   Pushing a number of highly contentious gas-
                         non-nuclear.                         fired facilities, the spokesperson continued: “at
                           Kuosheng was officially taken offline after  present, gas-fired power generation projects
                         its existing operating licence had passed the  such as Datan, Xingda, Taichung, Tongxiao
                         40-year mark, but with even the state-owned  Phase II and Dalin have been launched simul-
                         utility Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) now  taneously. For existing units, Taipower adjusted
                         saying “some people are worried that Taiwan  its annual repair plan and shortened the time in
                         will lack electricity in the future,” the move is  response to extreme weather; the power grid has
                         seen as highly polarising.           also continued to be strengthened, and a total
                           Regardless of public opinion, Taiwan’s gov-  of $3.3bn has been invested in the improvement
                         ernment is standing by its ‘nuclear-free home-  of power distribution equipment in the past five
                         land by 2025’ promise made ahead of the 2016,  years.”
                         elections which brought it to power.   Structural improvements aside, as the for-
                           And despite calls for reconsideration from  mer boiling water reactor at Kuosheng is slowly
                         industry figures and the general public, the  dismantled, power cuts are still expected once
                         comments of former Minister of Economic  temperatures rise; summertime temperatures
                         Affairs, and current Vice Premier, Shen Jong-  in Taiwan can stay above 30 degrees for weeks
                         chin from 2019, that “there would be no  on end.
                         extension or restarts of nuclear power plants   Few believe the government energy mix goal
                         in Taiwan due to subjective and objective  of 20% renewables, 50% LNG and 30% coal
                         conditions, as well as strong public objection”,  will be realised any time soon, or will be even
                         stand.                               sufficient to keep the 23mn population cool
                           So much so that many see the shutdown and  throughout the summer.
                         ruling party insistence on removing all exist-  As such, with the country now down to just
                         ing NPPs from the grid as more political than  two functioning reactors at the Maanshan NPP
                         practical.                           in the extreme south of Taiwan, the upcoming
                           Blackouts have become more the norm than  presidential election is increasingly being seen
                         the exception in some areas, but are rarely  as a vote for energy security as much as for a pre-
                         experienced in the nation’s capital, where the  ferred political party.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   22 •March•2023
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